Well, its been a while...

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Well, its been a while...


Actually, as much as i am embarrased of it, i was actually previously known as.... Erghmm.... 'Tha Gamer'. So technically i joined:


But hey! You guys know me as Bilbo, so lets focus on that!

Today, it is my two year anniversary on PERP, and i can only describe these two years as: Amazing. Ive made so many friends in this community, friends whom mean alot to me.

Now, sit back, grab some popcorn, because here comes my story of how i started playing PERP:

A couple years ago, my brother who is 5 years older than me, introduced me to a whole new kind of playing. RP. Before this, the only thing i played was Minecraft, Roblox, Gmod Sandbox & TF2. My brother had started playing on an RP server called 'Fearless RP'. He introduced me to the server, and the basics, and i was ready to play. I played so much on that server, and i have so many memories from it. The only thing is, i never really read the rules, so i would go around and play as i thought i should, which sadly ended out getting me banned many times. I met so many nice people on the server, sadly, i don't really talk to any of them anymore. There is no doubt, that Fearless is one of the main reasons why my english is at the level that it is. My schedule after finding this server would be: Wake up, School, Go home, Play Fearless, Sleep. When i look at the server now, it was very basic, and not very nicely coded IMO. They had a few updates every once in a while, but in the end it was alot like DarkRP. But as time passed, and i gained more and more bans, it became more and more clear that i wasnt very good at following the rules. Then, one day... Something terrible happened... I got banned for 6 months, as a 'Last Warning'... How the hell was i going to live without RP for 6 months??? At first, i wrote a ban appeal, which i was quite used to and also really bad at. My ban appeal got denied within' one day. So i went back into GMOD and thought to myself "Well, fuck...". I clicked 'Multiplayer' and scanned the list of servers with my well-trained eyes. And there it was.... "Perpheads PERP [Workshop DL|Highly Customized|Serious RP|TDM" And so, with Bilbo's extremely tiny brain, he thought: "With such a long name, this must be quality!".

So i clicked 'Join' and waited for all the content to load. At first when i spawned in, i was surprised. This was the same map as i used to play on, on Fearless RP. (Well, almost the same ^^) Except for the fact that this map was customized to fit the RP needs of this specific server! But the first thing i saw when i first spawned was "Enter your name". AND HERE COMES THE ANSWER TO WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WONDERING! "Hey Bilbo, why is your name Ebbe Kvisthector???", "Well well well, nice of you to ask, let me explain to you!" My real name is: Ebbe Kvist Hector
But since Perpheads doesnt allow middlenames, i was forced to combine the two names together into a lastname that noone knows how to pronounce;(

Anyway... After making my name and choosing to be a white lad (Which i regret, and later on changed ;3) I went out to explore the pretty familiar but also not 'Evocity'. But as a little sweatervest, i didnt really know anything about this server and the system. I did however manage to figure out how to use the /help chat! So i wrote "/help How 2 play? I very new and want to play. Plz help" or something like that. To my big surprise, someone spawned on my head, and started guiding me through the city, and told me all the basics. If i could remember who that person was, i would have thanked the specific person, but i sadly cant remember it so
@PersonWhomICantRememberTheNameOf Thank you for helping me out on my first day in 'Evocity'! I quickly found some great people both in and out of the police force, which i played ALOT in. I bought a Taxi, which i used to mug Sweaters in (Yeah i know, im a horrible person) and i tried robbing the bank, but usually just mingerunning out as soon as i activated the alarm. But i wont be telling the rest of my PERP story, since i have too many memories to write down!

Oh yeah, almost forgot, the Forums. The main reason why i made my forum account, was because i wanted to join an org called: "The White Feather" i got accepted, but sadly never invited into the real org;( I slowly started getting more and more involved in the forums, and not long after, i made: "A little game!" which was a success. I managed to achieve more than 800 replies, making it the post with the most replies ever! After i started getting more and more known within the community, i also started making montage parodies (Yeah, people liked them back then), and posted them on the forums. I now have 'Expert' member, and almost 600 positive ratings, so i think i did well.

I want to thank some specific people for the fantastic 2 years ive had here. Keep in mind that the list is not in order, so dont feel bad if you are in the end of the list! ^^

While i can be a pain in the ass to hang around with, i really appreciate the banterous times we've had together. I've always looked up to you, and i think you are a great Admin. You mean a lot to me, as weird as it sounds. #AFattyOne <3

Like Mrlewis, we've had some great moments aswell, and i would like to thank you for those. You are a great admin and you are going to go far!

Dit pede fiksvin! Ahh, the times we've had! I still remember when you told an officer, that we were homosexual and that is why we covered up the bedroom windows. And the times we watched Cringe Comps on your TV. You are a great Mod!

@John Daymon
Or should i say Chloe? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° You are an Awesome dude, and a great mod. I know you are going to go very far!

Even tho i can't remember your previous name, i still recall some great moments with you.. Thank you;) P.S, one day, i will make that MLG Pino for you^^

Ohhh man... The raids we've done... The times we've died... We always have a way of fucking something over. But i can't say that we haven't had alot of banter. Thank you;)

While we've had some arguments, and some downs. You are still a great lad. I really enjoy the times I've had with you, and i look forward to having more of them ^^.

Even tho you aren't active anymore, I'm still going to mention you. You mean alot to me, like you already know. And i hope our friendship will continue to exist.

Thanks for the cheap snipers ^^ Even tho Robert Crane stole one of em;(

Just a straight out awesome dude. Love your voice, and i look forward to celebrating LGMFY day with you next year!

Even tho you dont seem to like me anymore, i still think we have had some great moments together!

Always there when i need help. Very helpfull, and i can't thank you enough for all the things you have helped with!

Awesome dude. BHF! Always ready to help if i need it. Really appreciate it!

Sorry for snitching on you;( Thank you for your service in this community, there is no doubt that the community wouldn't be the same without you!

While i haven't really spoken to you, i still want to thank you for your service in this community!

Same as with Fredy. Haven't spoken to you, but i still want to thank you ;)

Thanks for helping out with Blender yesterday. You seem like a really awesome dude he community wouldnt be the same without you!

My ANTIFA buddy! Always great to talk to you. Thank you for the good conversations!

@Chrissy Thanks for helping me out with all the Supervisor stuff. And thank you so much for giving me a chance as Dispatcher.

Thx for helping me out when i needed it. You were always ready to help if i needed it. Thank you;)

Gr8 lad. Love your accent. Very helpfull if i ever need it. Always great at solving reports. Thank so much ;)

#AVAST! You are a great guy, and we sure have had alot of great moments. Always been mad that you are better at coding than me;( Thank you for making these 2 years so great;)

At last, i want to thank everyone in this community for being a part of these fantastic 2 years! Tell me if you think i forgot to mention you. I'm so tired and my fingers are hurting after all this typing phone.

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England, Norfolk
You reminded me to check out my own as it turns out I first appeared in August same year.

It is good to know you and I wish you luck with Dispatcher I am willing to help.
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Not Sweden
Always happy to fuck things up for you. Honestly the first time we met while each of us were shouting "Allah Akbar" I really enjoyed it. So thank you for the fun moments you pik <3
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You've always been a great community member, and I've had some good moments with you :) Congrats on two years!
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Thanks for the mention lad, congrats on 2 years! Thanks for the fun times bro!