Hostage money from the city funds

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Get the hostage money from the city funds.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Let the Mayor/Lt send city funds via the banking app for hostage money

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Everytime someone wants money for letting a hostage go, it should be taken from the city funds, like in real life, not from the Lt's pockets.
Of course, this should only be possible if both the Mayor (If there is anyone) and the Lt agrees, and can only be a max ammount of 5.000$. This would also add a rule about only giving to the hostage owner so the mayor won't abuse the system and give the money to his friends for no reason.

Now, I don't know if there are any rules or anything to prevent you from getting money for a hostage, but I don't think the Lt should pay for it.

Optional additions:
- Add new rules about taking money for releasing hostages and stuff
Yes, lots of stuff to add, so come with ideas!
And what if the hostage takers takes 2 person hostage? Then you need 10k but you can only withdraw 5k.

The idea itself is good enough but i don't think this has been thought through properly.
Rule 6.6. And thus, this suggestion is useless. You'll have to make a rule discussion about removing 6.6 for this idea to be implemented. But I doubt it will be removed cause otherwise everyone would just kidnap people for no other reason than money.
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+Support, but if multiple hostages, just do it twice?
Rule 5.3. And thus, this suggestion is useless. You'll have to make a rule discussion about removing 5.3 for this idea to be implemented. But I doubt 5.3 will be removed cause otherwise everyone would just kidnap people for no other reason than money.
You have a good point, and I guess you are right. Everyone that has beeing asking for money have been braking rules, but I still think this would be a nice feature because it's not easy to kidnap someone.
Right, this would be a good idea.. however.

Think about it like this, the current crime rate within the city is huge - People are illegally driving, shooting and practically killing people all day long. The point of the game is money, and hostages are not allowed to be used unless it gives you a reasonable increasement of escaping the police. The rule isn't there to attract police to you, I mean if this did get added; what about when the money has been given.. what if people don't let them go - Sure, rules can be added for this but it does not really give much roleplay for the police. It just gives perps some money, and the police aren't really left with any insight into catching the person who did it other than the hostages account which when told the perps will be hiding in the forest somewhere enjoying their cash.. and you can't really prove it and get the money back can you? It'll be in their bank accounts by then.

Anyway, sorry for going on about this; but in short terms I don't really think it would work for the above reasons and quite simply because hostages always lead to bad things and this system will encourage people to take more hostages.. it's more of a hindrance rather than a roleplay improvement.

That's my opinion, do with it as you will.
Honestly, having to deliver the money in person is much better than this, as the police can work out something to rescue the hostage and arrest the kidnappers at the same time. Simply paying over the mobile app and waiting for the release of the hostage just doesn't do much. Removes a lot of RP, and people will just begin kidnapping each other for tons of easy cash.


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