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Topic: Hotdogs

Short explanation (in notes):
- The hot dogs should be sold at the gas station too
- They should be a little more expensive in the gas stations

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Gas stations usually have some fast food to keep you going, all there is in the gas station is a newspaper, gasoline and so on.

(in Norway a hot dog in the gas station is 39.90 NOK)
(in our normal shop it is 29.90 NOK)
(.90 means it adds 1NOK, therefore it would be 30NOK and 40NOK)
(If you don't understand this system, please look it up on Google, and try calculating the price in dollars)

Optional additions:
- Limited amount of food you can carry on you (2 - 5)
- Gas stations open 20 hrs a day
- Re-create all the food prices
Well... I don't see why the gas stations shouldn't sell hotdogs and burgers, because that is really realistic, but I'm pretty sure it is the way it is to make it harder to get food, so people would have to go to 2 exact places to get real food, or call a delivery, which means that sometimes people would have to go further away from their bases and such.

Realistic: Yes. +Support
Gameplay: Not really sure. +/-Neutral.
It would be a good thing to add hotdogs at gas stations. I don't think that it good prices should be changed however. Also the food limit is fine because you can't put food a a fridge or cupboard, if you could only carry 2-5 peices of food then you would have to go the shops a lot more. +/- support
This is a bit pointless to be honest. It would just mean that people who are basing, so basically 75% of the server, will stay in the one area they are basing (So in glass co. they would stay in business area etc.). This means less people will be driving/walking around, kinda making it boring for those who are just passively RPing or doing something other than basing.

+/- Support, not really a big thing, [Reply to @Holy Shit its Danny D ]if someone is gonna base somewhere, and they don't want to leave, they'll fill their storage with burgers (Buying from Subs. Fredy's and then storing them at storage) so really there's no reason to say no, but what I see as a problem is that Fredy's will become pointless, because of everyone just going to petrol stations because they can fill up and get a burger. It's a lot less awkward.
+/- Support, not really a big thing, [Reply to @Holy Shit its Danny D ]if someone is gonna base somewhere, and they don't want to leave, they'll fill their storage with burgers (Buying from Subs. Fredy's and then storing them at storage) so really there's no reason to say no, but what I see as a problem is that Fredy's will become pointless, because of everyone just going to petrol stations because they can fill up and get a burger. It's a lot less awkward.

Sorry on phone

But as he said the food at the gas station would be more expensive, therefore people would want to use freddys Moore than the gas station?
Instead of it being hotdogs I would just rename the idea to "24 Hour Food at the Gas Stations". Of course at the moment, you can buy milk from them and drink that but its not realistic at all as we all know what happens when you drink too much milk aha.

+support for more expensive food at the gas stations
Honestly, everywhere I go in real life, I find that gas stations around 90% of the time also sell hot dogs. Although, there's currently 2 Fredy's Bakery on the map, both easily accessible (unless you're in the Business area, then you've gotta get ready for a ride)

Never seen burgers sold at a gas station.
-support from me. 2 Fredy's Bakery and you can buy a ton of drinks at gas station to fill your hunger. (Gonna buy a lot of milk m8)

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