Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
Description of the idea: I believe that we should get more nicely modeled consumables to the server, in the form of food and drinks that the players could craft themselves from base materials that could be bought from vendors (Gas Station or Fredy's). These crafted foods could provide larger hunger regeneration and the drinks would probably only serve a roleplay value as does the current beer consumable, though I do suggest nerfing the drunkness effect, in order to be able to consume a few drinks before becoming drunk.
Many Roleplay servers already have this feature as standard and I don't see why PERP should in this regard be the exception. Players could craft, sell and serve these in their own establishments such as bars, pubs, restaurants, fast-food chains, and everything in between bringing so much more depth to the game mode itself.
The models are already a thing on the Workshop, the only part remaining would be to code them in as consumable items on the server.
I was made aware that we already have some unused models for things such as milk, raw meats, and doughnuts which could all be incorporated not only as base materials for crafting the finished foods themselves but also in the case of the doughnuts as a ready-to-eat item.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Deeper consumables system
- More possibilities for legal civilian RP
-More in-depth RP and opportunity for Roleplay businesses where these could be made, sold, served, etc.
-The current options are extremely limited to: Beer, Burger, Hot Dog, Chinese Takeout, Orange Juice, Soda, Coffee and a Carton of Milk.
- More variety for passive roleplay
-Overhauling existing food to nicer models

What negatives could this have? (cons): I don't personally see a single negative thing about this.

*Other additions:




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Haha, there it is, this is the obidan I remember, god what an obnoxiously pretentious way of saying all of that.

Who the hell do you think you are, honestly.

In any case, yes, more food would be awesome, sure. I'd love to see new foods and drinks with different levels of satiation, perhaps. Ideally some of the foods would be craftable and perhaps some would need to be grown, but all of this takes a lot of time and extra work. There's no point to adding new food if you can just buy it all from an NPC and if it needs to be made there would need to be models and textures for the raw ingredients too. I think you're seriously downplaying what development goes into the server generally and quite frankly you're being a massive dick about it.

Perhaps it's just a case that simply other things were prioritised. The developers here are volunteers who probably want to work on things they like and are people with lives and responsibilities just like everyone else.

Maybe being a massive dick about it is the only way to get some traction around here, so far it looks like it's working. Bnej made a post of his own about attempting to do all this from scratch. The staff has finally talked to me about these things for the first time after years of silence. Idk, being a cunt seems to work well sometimes.

Also... No clue who you are. Your profile is private. I don't remember ever talking to you before really and calling me a dick, obnoxious and pretentious... And asking me who the hell do I think I am... I mean I know who I am, currently all those above. But who are you?

Literally 100% of all serious RP nutscript or clockwork servers have a lifespan of 2 years tops. I understand the desire for these items, but I am more understanding for the side of prioritising the development of real game mechanics to be added over more hold Q and click on it to eat it for no honest reason. Especially given recent circumstances, it’s very important that the GAMEPLAY aspect of the server be doubled to what it was prior to November.

That's fair Bnej. It really is and I do agree. But I do also think that this (especially if it's craftable and of greater effect than current food) would spark a new desire for player driven and run passive RP and legal RP opportunities, which these days are really so scarce. Everybody sells guns and ammo. But when is the last time you saw a proper restaurant or a bar? I can't even remember properly...
Also... No clue who you are.
But who are you?
Who I am doesn't really matter though does it, sorry Mr. PERPHeads Celebrity. I come on here very rarely and only ever open my mouth when someone's being a tool so congratulations on giving me a reason to crawl out from my cave.

because somebody disagrees with you and you don't like the way they're debating you're going to attack their personality and character in an attempt or deflect to prove them wrong, that's literally what ad hominem is.
Actually I attacked his personality because of how his argument is formulated AND I debated the subject matter, do you have a fancy latin word for that? Telling me my argument is an ad hominem attack and completely dismissing my actual arguments and pretending like they don't exist while also simultaneously adding absolutely nothing of value is fucking hilarious and ironic. Perhaps if you actually read the rest of the reply you'd sound like you have any clue what you are talking about.

you're calling me stupid but you can't spell stupid right...
Big man doesn't know what an obvious typo is, lovely. Also, what were we saying about ad hominem attacks? Perhaps you'd sound more credible if you weren't such a hypocrite.
Who I am doesn't really matter though does it, sorry Mr. PERPHeads Celebrity. I come on here very rarely and only ever open my mouth when someone's being a tool so congratulations on giving me a reason to crawl out from my cave.

Actually I attacked his personality because of how his argument is formulated AND I debated the subject matter, do you have a fancy latin word for that? Telling me my argument is an ad hominem attack and completely dismissing my actual arguments and pretending like they don't exist while also simultaneously adding absolutely nothing of value is fucking hilarious and ironic. Perhaps if you actually read the rest of the reply you'd sound like you have any clue what you are talking about.

Big man doesn't know what an obvious typo is, lovely. Also, what were we saying about ad hominem attacks? Perhaps you'd sound more credible if you weren't such a hypocrite.

Rich. After accusing me of coming and going and never really doing anything, it seems that you yourself are doing far less. Not to mention, you hide behind a private profile and then accuse and criticize me for acting like an asshole, which granted I did and do. But again... Doesn't seem like you have much of a right to judge me either.
Okay let's stop it here. Keep the thread relevant to the topic.
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