Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
Description of the idea: I believe that we should get more nicely modeled consumables to the server, in the form of food and drinks that the players could craft themselves from base materials that could be bought from vendors (Gas Station or Fredy's). These crafted foods could provide larger hunger regeneration and the drinks would probably only serve a roleplay value as does the current beer consumable, though I do suggest nerfing the drunkness effect, in order to be able to consume a few drinks before becoming drunk.
Many Roleplay servers already have this feature as standard and I don't see why PERP should in this regard be the exception. Players could craft, sell and serve these in their own establishments such as bars, pubs, restaurants, fast-food chains, and everything in between bringing so much more depth to the game mode itself.
The models are already a thing on the Workshop, the only part remaining would be to code them in as consumable items on the server.
I was made aware that we already have some unused models for things such as milk, raw meats, and doughnuts which could all be incorporated not only as base materials for crafting the finished foods themselves but also in the case of the doughnuts as a ready-to-eat item.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Deeper consumables system
- More possibilities for legal civilian RP
-More in-depth RP and opportunity for Roleplay businesses where these could be made, sold, served, etc.
-The current options are extremely limited to: Beer, Burger, Hot Dog, Chinese Takeout, Orange Juice, Soda, Coffee and a Carton of Milk.
- More variety for passive roleplay
-Overhauling existing food to nicer models

What negatives could this have? (cons): I don't personally see a single negative thing about this.

*Other additions:




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If you make it then we can add it.

We have other priorities at the moment.

So what exactly would you consider by making it? Cause the addon with the models already exists. Really implementation would only entail repacking the models into the PH server pack collection and making them into craftable and consumable items on the server itself.
So what exactly would you consider by making it? Cause the addon with the models already exists. Really implementation would only entail repacking the models into the PH server pack collection and making them into craftable and consumable items on the server itself.
And where exactly has this been done before since the cars? This isn't exactly something that happens here, I doubt anyone's going to start doing that now
And where exactly has this been done before since the cars? This isn't exactly something that happens here, I doubt anyone's going to start doing that now

Right you are. That's something that definitely should change as well... And like Efan said, if he only wants me to repack the models, then Ill gladly do that myself.
So what exactly would you consider by making it? Cause the addon with the models already exists. Really implementation would only entail repacking the models into the PH server pack collection and making them into craftable and consumable items on the server itself.
Everything on Perpheads is custom-made for just our server, except for TDM cars and the Realworldtextures by tophattwaffle for the map, but that's how it supposed to be used. Everything else you see is made by owners, devs or community members specially for the server, so taking some pre-existing models and addons is not gonna happen.
Everything on Perpheads is custom-made for just our server, except for TDM cars and the Realworldtextures by tophattwaffle for the map, but that's how it supposed to be used. Everything else you see is made by owners, devs or community members specially for the server, so taking some pre-existing models and addons is not gonna happen.

Funny, you were of a different opinion about a year on this exact same suggestion thread. Guess the staff role does that to a person.
Right you are. That's something that definitely should change as well... And like Efan said, if he only wants me to repack the models, then Ill gladly do that myself.
Are you high? That is absolutely not something that should change, do you actually support people just stealing someone's addon and reuploading it? You had 2 years to learn to model and texture these things yourself and instead decided to bitch and moan and post silly images to bump your thread. You come back a handful of times every so often through the years, complain about this and that and yadda yadda, never offer any real solutions and leave again.

Maybe next year you can actually contribute! 2023 is not too far away
Are you high? That is absolutely not something that should change, do you actually support people just stealing someone's addon and reuploading it? You had 2 years to learn to model and texture these things yourself and instead decided to bitch and moan and post silly images to bump your thread. You come back a handful of times every so often through the years, complain about this and that and yadda yadda, never offer any real solutions and leave again.

Maybe next year you can actually contribute! 2023 is not too far away

Actually, I would've sought out permission to do it first. Assuming and projecting much. Also right back at ya, private profile man. I'm offering plenty of solutions, people just find a million reasons not to take em.
Funny, you were of a different opinion about a year on this exact same suggestion thread. Guess the staff role does that to a person.
What's that supposed to mean? Just because I liked the idea of more items and food for passive roleplay doesn't mean I agreed to take other peoples models or agreed that we should just include pre-existing addons. I get that you're upset that you're not getting your way but being passive aggressive. as @Efan said, if you have some models you've done yourself of textures you can send it in for it to get added, a lot of community members have gotten their items added because they made it themselves. You said it yourself, the suggestions been here for 2,5 years, what have you been doing to make this happen more than bumping the thread? :)
Actually, I would've sought out permission to do it first. Assuming and projecting much. Also right back at ya, private profile man. I'm offering plenty of solutions, people just find a million reasons not to take em.
Fair enough, I hadn't considered that you'd actually ask first, but even still, I prefer our content staying custom and unique to this server. But if there are a million reasons not to take your suggestions perhaps the problem isn't where you think it is.

private profile man
What's that supposed to mean? Just because I liked the idea of more items and food for passive roleplay doesn't mean I agreed to take other peoples models or agreed that we should just include pre-existing addons. I get that you're upset that you're not getting your way but being passive aggressive. as @Efan said, if you have some models you've done yourself of textures you can send it in for it to get added, a lot of community members have gotten their items added because they made it themselves. You said it yourself, the suggestions been here for 2,5 years, what have you been doing to make this happen more than bumping the thread? :)

Well, it means that it's often been a recurring trend with people often advocating for some decent additions and changes, then getting staff and stopping. Not saying that's your case, but I've seen plenty of it over the years. Also, why is it exactly that TDM is the exception? Why not make more exceptions for the benefit of the server and its gameplay loops and its roleplay environment? It seems like an arbitrary rule that really has little in the way of actual logic other than the fact that we are able to say that everything is custom, which really means that were just severely limited. I can't remember the last time an actual large game-changing suggestion was accepted and implemented. Most of the time it's just minor low-effort stuff or stuff that no one has even really asked for. It's just a shame really, cause the way of the roleplay environment of this community, has a trend of stagnation and decline due to it not being supported through gameplay, scripts, or even supervision really, but that's me getting into a whole separate issue now...
Oh and I've been getting a college degree in those last years... Pardon me.
Well, it means that it's often been a recurring trend with people often advocating for some decent additions and changes, then getting staff and stopping. Not saying that's your case, but I've seen plenty of it over the years. Also, why is it exactly that TDM is the exception? Why not make more exceptions for the benefit of the server and its gameplay loops and its roleplay environment? It seems like an arbitrary rule that really has little in the way of actual logic other than the fact that we are able to say that everything is custom, which really means that were just severely limited. I can't remember the last time an actual large game-changing suggestion was accepted and implemented. Most of the time it's just minor low-effort stuff or stuff that no one has even really asked for. It's just a shame really, cause the way of the roleplay environment of this community, has a trend of stagnation and decline due to it not being supported through gameplay, scripts, or even supervision really, but that's me getting into a whole separate issue now...
Oh and I've been getting a college degree in those last years... Pardon me.

So what you’re saying is you haven’t been able to do it because you’ve had other things going on in your life? Exactly like our developers who also want to prioritise other updates. It hasn’t been denied, it just hasn’t had time to be done.

As someone who suggested more food be added, I personally like this idea but have a pretty big problem with it.

Unfortunately without some sort of system to coincide with this, or some method of making money in doing so beyond selling it to other players, the sad reality is, several community members probably could give less of a shit about it. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of Roleplay to be had with someone playing a 3 second eating / drinking animation and that’s just the reality of the situation.
If you make it then we can add it.

We have other priorities at the moment.
I will disclose this now that I had an idea to take Models of popular drinks and label them with the names of community members.

I will make a thread about this explaining this idea to get ideas.

So what you’re saying is you haven’t been able to do it because you’ve had other things going on in your life? Exactly like our developers who also want to prioritise other updates. It hasn’t been denied, it just hasn’t had time to be done.

I mean ... Might as well have, now that I've heard how there are so many more priorities and how we've arbitrarily made it so much more difficult for ourselves, I don't really even have hopes of my children someday seeing this suggestion added.

As someone who suggested more food be added, I personally like this idea but have a pretty big problem with it.

Unfortunately without some sort of system to coincide with this, or some method of making money in doing so beyond selling it to other players, the sad reality is, several community members probably could give less of a shit about it. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of Roleplay to be had with someone playing a 3 second eating / drinking animation and that’s just the reality of the situation.

I will disclose this now that I had an idea to take Models of popular drinks and label them with the names of community members.

I will make a thread about this explaining this idea to get ideas.

Literally, 100% of all serioues RP nutscript or clockwork servers with a city RP style of roleplay have a player to player sale of such items in restaurants and player-run businesses as a key mechanic. I do however understand your argument that there isn't perhaps much of a market for that here because additions to passive roleplay don't carry much traction here anymore...
I will disclose this now that I had an idea to take Models of popular drinks and label them with the names of community members.

I will make a thread about this explaining this idea to get ideas.

If you are willing to actually make a whole thing from scratch that kudos to you my brother, I've got no clue how to do it, hence why I resorted to 3rd party models in the first place. I would however be more than happy to lend a helping hand with that project should you accept it. : )
It seems like an arbitrary rule that really has little in the way of actual logic other than the fact that we are able to say that everything is custom, which really means that were just severely limited. I can't remember the last time an actual large game-changing suggestion was accepted and implemented. Most of the time it's just minor low-effort stuff or stuff that no one has even really asked for. It's just a shame really, cause the way of the roleplay environment of this community, has a trend of stagnation and decline due to it not being supported through gameplay, scripts, or even supervision really, but that's me getting into a whole separate issue now...
Oh and I've been getting a college degree in those last years... Pardon me.
Haha, there it is, this is the obidan I remember, god what an obnoxiously pretentious way of saying all of that.

minor low-effort stuff or stuff that no one has even really asked for
Who the hell do you think you are, honestly.

In any case, yes, more food would be awesome, sure. I'd love to see new foods and drinks with different levels of satiation, perhaps. Ideally some of the foods would be craftable and perhaps some would need to be grown, but all of this takes a lot of time and extra work. There's no point to adding new food if you can just buy it all from an NPC and if it needs to be made there would need to be models and textures for the raw ingredients too. I think you're seriously downplaying what development goes into the server generally and quite frankly you're being a massive dick about it.

Perhaps it's just a case that simply other things were prioritised. The developers here are volunteers who probably want to work on things they like and are people with lives and responsibilities just like everyone else.
Literally, 100% of all serioues RP nutscript or clockwork servers with a city RP style of roleplay have a player to player sale of such items in restaurants and player-run businesses as a key mechanic. I do however understand your argument that there isn't perhaps much of a market for that here because additions to passive roleplay don't carry much traction here anymore...
And Literally 98% of all serious RP nutscript or clockwork servers have a lifespan of 2 years tops. I understand the desire for these items, but I am more understanding for the side of prioritising the development of real game mechanics to be added over more hold Q and click on it to eat it for no honest reason. Especially given recent circumstances, it’s very important that the GAMEPLAY aspect of the server be doubled to what it was prior to November.
ad hominem cause you can't respond ?
I did respond though? And it was obnoxious and pretentious and ridiculous? It was a really pathetic thing to say and it wasn't true. Many of the recent updates have been things people asked for. Especially things like the signs. Do you actually know what an ad hominem attack actually is? Or have you just glanced over definitions of arguments and are now using them on the Forums here to lend your otherwise supid comments some credibility?

I find his position to incredibly pretentious, and I also already addressed the subject matter, so I really have no idea where you're coming from.
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