How not to assassinate the mayor

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So, yesterday, we had the true tyrant mayor, with 50% on all taxes for over 2 hours.

After giving him a warning or two, I decided it was enough. He was in front of City Hall, and I was on the balcony of the City Hall. I pulled out my gun, and SS reacted before my first shot was fired. I was severely injured, so I ran downstairs for my life. Before getting to the elevator, I saw it go down. I went to the edge in the middle of City Hall, so I could see in front of the elevator.
I saw the SS standing down there, trying to get up, so I gunned him down. Awesome, that's 1 out of 3 SS down. So I proceed down the elevator, and currently the plan is just to get the hell out of there, drive away, get healed and stash all my weapons.

So I immediately get outside, and I do not notice that the mayor and all his SS is no longer in front of the City Hall. I run as fast as I can to get to my car, and this happens:

My reaction:
I'm not sure if you took a shot or not after my SS first shot at you, but if you did you struck a citizen in the neck next to me. Not to promote bad roleplay but I was doing everything I could to see how people would try to assassinate me, and each time either they failed miserably or a medic would revive me. WHY anyone was medic during my reign of drunken terror I don't even know, they were getting very low (not minimum mind you) pay and had only one ambulance to deal with so it amazed me that I kept getting revived, and it wasn't one of those times where it was die, revive, die, revive, constantly, it was quite a gap between instances; so even if we had a different system in place I somehow would've always lived more than likely.

I will try to recount the different ways that I was almost killed if my memory serves me well.
  1. Sniper shot which managed to barely miss my head and struck me in the neck I'm assuming as I didn't die instantly. By the bullet hole I found in the meeting room, must've came from near the under pass.
  2. I don't know exactly what gun, but I'm guessing a handgun which I was shot by a couple times outside city hall.
  3. Stabbed numerous times at the beach, which was the first attempt at which I did go unconscious from but revived by medic.
  4. The attempt you describe in this post, but missed me and hit a "money person" as I called people, standing to my right.
  5. We stop on the highway at forest, the little pull off area going toward suburbs to have a chat with a person who was chasing our limo. The man pulls out his Beretta from his trunk and attempts to shoot at me, instead his mag was empty *CLICK CLICK CLICK* and was gunned down by secret service before he had a chance to load one.
  6. Sniped outside city hall, another time where I do actually go unconscious, this time the bullet actually hit me in the head, and I was probably about 5 seconds from being dead when a medic saves my life again.
  7. Someone opens fire toward me, missing entirely with all their rounds again outside city hall near the little park area.
  8. I randomly find both a suppressed Beretta and an MP5 lying in the park area as I run off, I carry the Beretta to give to police when they arrive. A person takes it from my hands and proceeds to shoot me several times in the chest, making me go unconscious again, but medic was already responding to the previous thing (#7) and revived me almost immediately.
Hell of a run, 149 minutes of tyranny, city went from like 10k when I was elected to nearly 90k when I left if anyone was interested.
guys post videos of your demos its gonna be funny to watch :)