How should you start off your life in Perpheads.

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So I'm making this thread to help the people who have just joined how they should start off there life in Perpheads!
In no point of this thread am I forcing you to do this. This is just probably the best choice to make if you want to earn money fast and easy!

So lets start off with Government jobs.
Government jobs is a fun , but long way to earn money. You have a choice between 3 of them! a Police Officer , A Paramedic or a firefighter!

Police Officer
As a police officer you receive a paycheque of around 200+ Depends on what the mayor has put it as! If you are curious on what you are getting and what you are getting detucted from your paycheque because of the taxes , just simply open up the Console. You should see it in
green it saying You have received a paycheque for being a Government Employee *The amount you receive / The amount you get taken away*
You will also receive bonuses! For fellow officers destroying illegal items! You usually get around 200+ extra and if your lucky , and fellow officer can destroy a M82 and receive up to $2000+!
I personally think that Police officer is the 2nd best choice to pick to earn money really fast while being a government employee!

Paramedics in my choice are the best government job to earn money fast! As all of the government jobs you will receive a paycheque and you will receive 500 bucks extra for reviving someone! And if you have a full sized ambulance , you can remove dead body which give you 250 bucks each!

Firefighters in my choice isn't really the best choice to make to earn cash! You have to stick in the fire department all day untill you receive a call from the police because there is a fire! * Keep in mind that fires are quite rare to see in Paralake * Obviously if there is a fire , you get extra $$$ for putting it out , but as well as other jobs. They also receive a paycheque!

Road Crew!
Roadcrew is quite a fun job to do. You can tow , fix and clamp cars!
As a roadcrew , you have quite a lot of ways to earn money!
First off you can just repair a car simply! The max you can cost for that is $500!
Another way you can is by Impounding the car! You can impound it and they have to pay a fee of $500 to get it released! This also includes the clamp on the cars!

Lets move onto the VIP jobs
As VIP you receive more jobs that you can role-play as! You get SWAT , Courier and Taxi Driver
SWAT is apart of the police force if you didn't know. They are the people who breach the doors and rush in first! The really chubby ones. Very easy to separate them from other fellow police officers!

Courier is the person who delivers packages around Paralake! You receive a Free van to deliver the packages. Considering you really don't earn a lot from being courier. It is a nice job to role-play as and to earn some little bits of cash!

Taxi Driver
I don't think I really need to explain what a Taxi Driver is but I'll do it anyways! A Taxi driver is the person who you call to take you somewhere! you can spot him by seeing a bright yellow ford crown vic! The Taxi driver earns money from you being in the car and letting him drive you. Every couple of meters you get charged a price! You have to deposit $200 before you enter!

So lets move onto the 'Illegal' side of earning money!

Peoples favourite growing weed / Cocaine!
Loads of people grow to earn money. Its just the best way! for each sack you sell its $150!!
And all you need really is a Clock , A pot Small / Big and some seeds from the DD *Drug Dealer*
The DD is hidden around the map where you need to find him! If you have sold him over 1000 of your illegal products. He will message you his location for 1 week straight!

There are other different Illegal ways to earn money like Meth , but seriously I don't have a single clue how to cook meth?!

As a civilian you can craft weapons and sell them to the public! There are levels 1-100 which you craft to level up! The higher your level goes the more products you are able to craft! The guns which people would like to buy often is level 60+ *The Guns AK47 , Sako , M4A1 and maybe if your lucky some snipers which cost a lot!*
Obviously people can buy pistols but they are only 2k.. Not really profit if you would say so.

You can craft other stuff like weapon magazines , Weapon ammunition etc... ammunition is what people really need. If they would like to fire there weapon they need ammunition + a magazine. So get crafting if you want to sell some stuff!

There are some other ways to earn money , but probably include weapons etc.
People can offer you jobs to do like Assassinations , Kidnaps etc.
People can offer some high prices! Once I got payed 100k to kidnap a person who betrayed there org. Which these people are rare to see offer high payed job's like I got offered! But seriously pays well but has a high chance of you getting caught by the police! If you do it correctly you won't even need to worry!

If you don't want to get mugged then don't go to some dark places!
Mugging people does earn you quite some profit! When you mug someone , you really don't know what you are going to receive! You can receive bad or you can get some really good goods!
Once I mugged a person who had 30k on them and some expensive stuff like weapons and bits and bobs! But it is risky! If the person escapes that you are mugging , he most likely will tell the cops your description! So watch out!

Thats mostly all the things you can do to earn money! Obviously there are more but I've probably just forgot! Its been a very long day for me today ;D
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This is what I like to call the "Operator"

- Roleplay as a member of a special forces group. Set your MorphVOX to radio chatter and speak in military terms to each with a really heavy and over the top American accent. Use real military close quarter tactics to deter enemies and utilise any weapon possible. Grenades are your friends, and so is freedom. Liberate everyone who stands in your way. Drive a heavy vehicle like the Hummer and paint it tan so it looks military. Dress in military looking clothing i.e Olive drag.
You have done a really good job with this apart from a few grammar mistakes. Must of taken you quite a while and I think it was well worth it, so well done! :D
I would start on an island and cut some trees, then light them up and catch some fish to cook them, then advance to mine some coal and iron to make a dagger, then shank sweatervests.
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