HUD Development

Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Basically made this in about 60 Minutes for someone.

But how would i make it fit any resolution i had a few people say it was messed up for them. I know that I have to use ScrW() and ScrH() but i'm not sure about how I can implement it properly.

--Removes the basic Garry's Mod hud.
hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "hide hud", function( name )
    if ( name == "CHudHealth" or name == "CHudBattery" or name == "CHudAmmo" ) then
        return false

end )

local function myhud()

    draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, ScrW(), 33, Color( 20, 20, 20,200 ) )

    local health = LocalPlayer():Health()
    local armor = LocalPlayer():Armor()
    local name = LocalPlayer():Nick()


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, 1, 1, 304, 29, Color( 0, 100, 149 ) )
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, 3, 3, 300, 25, Color( 0, 170, 164 ) )
    draw.SimpleText( "Name: ""","NeonFont", 10 + 142, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 )


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 1610, 1, 304, 29, Color( 102, 49, 49 ) )
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 1608, 3, health * 3, 25, Color( 209, 96, 96 ) )
    draw.SimpleText( "Health (""%)","NeonFont", 10 + 450, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 )


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 1302, 1, 304, 29, Color( 49, 49, 102 ) )
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 1300, 3, armor * 3, 25, Color( 96, 96, 209 ) )
    draw.SimpleText( "Armor ("..armor.."%)","NeonFont", 10 + 750, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 )


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 994, 1, 304, 29, Color( 49, 102, 49), 1, 1)
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 992, 3, 300, 25, Color( 96, 209, 96), 1, 1)
    draw.SimpleText( "Money: $"..LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar( "money" ).."","NeonFont", 10 + 1050, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 )


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 686, 1, 304, 29, Color( 102, 49, 102), 1, 1)
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 684, 3, 300, 25, Color( 209, 96, 209), 1, 1)
    draw.SimpleText( "Salary: $"..LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar( "salary" ).."","NeonFont", 10 + 1350, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 )


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 378, 1, 304, 29, Color( 96, 49, 102), 1, 1)
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 376, 3, 300, 25, Color( 96, 49, 209), 1, 1)
    draw.SimpleText( "Job: "..LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar( "job" ).."","NeonFont", 10 + 1650, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 )


    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 70, 1, 200, 29, Color( 20, 20, 20), 1, 1)
    draw.RoundedBox( 3, ScrW() - 66, 3, 150, 25, Color( 80, 80, 80), 1, 1)
    draw.SimpleText( "N - RP", "NeonFont", 10 + 1880, 10 + 6, Color( 255, 255, 255),1 ,1 )

surface.CreateFont( "NeonFont", {
    font = "Arial",
    extended = false,
    size = 22,
    weight = 500,
    blurzize = 0,
    scanlines = 0,
    antialias = true,
    underline = false,
    italic = false,
    strikeout = false,
    symbol = false,
    rotary = false,
    shadow = false,
    additive = false,
    outline = true,
} )

Reaction score
United Kingdom
I'm no genious at LUA but I'm pretty sure you have it setup for 1920x1080, instead of doing

ScrW() - 1608

You might have to do
ScrW() * 0.16 - for example so that it is the same for all resolutions.
That may or may not fix it, I don't know, I'm pretty dumb.