Hungriges Schwein Social Club


Reaction score

Every other Saturday, 6PM-8PM GMT+1.


The Hungriges Schwein Social Club (abbreviated to HSSC) is a passive organisation which aim is to provide a safe social environment to the interested public. Some of you may remember The Farm House which went on for a few days which I found to be a huge success, it burnt out as it went on all day for a couple of days without planning. HSSC will be operating on a weekly basis, every Saturday 6PM - 8PM GMT+1 during these hours; activities, events, competitions and generally social time will take place.


The venue is located in the City, behind the Hospital Car Park, it's called the Hungriges Schwein Restaurant. There is limited parking available on site however there is additional parking by the hospital.

Outside the restaurant we're hoping to get some shop owners to set up some stands for people to purchase things. Since HSSC have a zero tolerance to weapons and drugs being brought on site, there will be a metal detector and Arnott Surveillance personnel providing security services, just so that you are aware, you may be selected for a random drugs search. Once you have passed security you will find yourself at the front desk, if you're already a member, brilliant, simply show some identification then you can go through, not a member? Then you will have to give your details and pay the bi-monthly membership fee, when you've completed that, you may enter!

At the venue, food and drink will be provided which you are able to get from the sales counter at the back of the restaurant, all food and drink is provided by Aldi. We will also be providing a schedule for what activities will be conducted each week, it can be found on this page. Activities can be a movie night, musical chairs, Simon says, competitions, comedy night and more! This is where the membership fee comes in, the membership fee goes to prizes for winners and employees that have helped out during the night!

At the Hungriges Social Club, no two nights are the same. Not interested in doing the activities? Then just come for a chat.


We want everyone to have a great time, to achieve this we need to make sure that there are set rules and expectations that everyone follows. Failure to abide by them could result in your membership being suspended without refund and banned from entering.

> Conduct yourself civilly and in great manner to guests and staff.

> Weapons, which includes Firearms and melee items are not allowed on the property, the only individuals that are exempt from this is Arnott Surveillance security staff.

> Drugs are not allowed on the premises.


As mentioned before, your emtry fee is what keeps us going! It provides the booking of the venue, prizes for activities and for the pay of our staff members. The entry fee is $5,000.

There are two methods of payment, pay at the door or pay in advance. On the night, we will be set up from around 5:30PM, you are free to come from then and pay in advance. However, if you turn up on opening, you will need to pay and register at the front desk.


At HSSC we want to give the best experience to our guests, we've found that to be quite expensive. Are you interested in your organisation being associated with our club, or maybe even just one evening? If you are please contact us as we're interested in sponsors.

We're also actively looking for donations from the people of Paralake. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, we've found it to be costly to provide our service and we want to make sure we can give the best service.

If you're interested in making a donation, press the button below and send us a message and we can arrange the transaction, anything will help us!

Top donators April;


Below will be the events that are scheduled for the evening. Attached will be relevant information that guests will need to be aware of. Typically, events will be going on at different points through the night, there will be time to sit down and chat!
Saturday | 02/04/2016 | 6PM - 8PM GMT+1: Hungriges Schwein Social Club - Event Countdown
Location: Hungriges Schwein Restaurant


Additional Information: Prizes will be distinguished and confirmed before the event as it depends on money taken in.



The Hungriges Schwein Social Club needs normal people, just like yourself to dedicate just 3 hours a week to help with the running of the club. If you're part of an organisation already, don't sweat it, you don't need to be invited to our organisation to be involved as it's only a part time job. Our employees start on around $7,000 an hour, so you could be earning around $21,000 a night. We're looking for individuals who are professional, hard working, honest and committed to providing a service to our guests.

For our staff list along with descriptions of the roles, see here:

Interested in joining our team? If so, check out our recruitment page here:

Do you have any questions regarding our service? Let me know, my contact details are below!

Name: Steven ARNOTT
Email address: [email protected] (Links to a forum PM)
Cell Phone number: #545-6713 (Not always available so emailing might be easier.)


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Hungriges Schwein Social club needs normal people just like yourself to dedicate just 3 hours a week to help with running the social club. If you're part of an organisation already, don't sweat it, you don't need to join our organisation to be involved as it is just a part-time position. Our employees start on around $7,000 an hour, so you could be earning around $21,000 a night. We're looking for individuals who are professional, hard-working, honest and committed that are interested in providing a service. The role you will join as is a general employee, since we're just starting out, you will be designated different tasks, which could be security, front desk or other odd jobs.

**Thanks @Loejseren for being my model ;)
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Thank you everyone that attended tonight, it was a great turnout and the night seemed to of been quite a success from my perspective. I was incredibly anxious through the night as I was hoping everyone was enjoying themselves. From us running it today, it has given us a good insight on how it should be run in future, we've walked away knowing some mistakes that were made and what improvements that can be made in future.

Again, I'd like to thank every single one of you that attended, I hope everyone had a great night. Below I'll put some of the figures that we made;

> 39 registered guests
> $177,000 made through membership fees.
> $100,000 and a SR25 given out in prizes
> $87,500 in total paid to employees for dedicating over 2.5 hours to the HSSC ($17,500 each.)
> $17,500 paid to Aldi for their services

You've heard from us, so now I'd like to hear from the guests. I'd love to see each and every person come back when we next have an evening so below is a link to a feedback form, if you could take some time to fill it out I would be incredibly thankful!

Have a good night!
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We have opened a recruitment page that will have all job openings within the HSSC. If you have already contacted me about joining, please see the link provided below and apply there, thanks! One opening has been posted for Sales Assistants, more positions will be posted throughout the day tomorrow!
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Thank you everyone for the feedback responses for the evening, I'm extremely happy that we had a huge response for that. From the feedback form, the team have been able to get a rough idea on how evenings should be run, when they should run and what we should be charging. A lot of people have raised some valid points and have came up with a nice amount of constructive criticism.

What's changing;

  • Instead of running on a weekly basis, we will now be running every other Saturday. Points were raised on our team and through the customer feedback form that if we run something so frequent like this, it will quickly burn out. If we keep it to every other week, it's something for our guests to look forward to, as well, it will allow us to raise some money in between the evenings so we can fund the events that will take place.

  • We asked about how payments should be made for entry and we received a majority saying that they would be more than happy to pay an entry fee every time, most responses we had were happy with the $5,000 payment for entry. Having this entry fee will be able to provide money for prizes, pay for employees and the purchasing of the property. We have discussed with each other and have agreed that this seems a reasonable price to pay every other Saturday.
Those are probably the most significant changes that will be rolled out, you may be think what this means for current guests that have paid the 14 days membership fee. If you paid that on Monday, you will be allowed free entry this Saturday, after that you will need to pay the entry fee.

Again, thank you so much for the support and lovely comments! We definitely will be taking the feedback on board and be providing you with the best service possible! Keep an eye out on Friday for an announcement for Saturday's evening.


At HSSC we want to give the best experience to our guests, we've found that to be quite expensive. Are you interested in your organisation being associated with our club, or maybe even just one evening? If you are please contact us as we're interested in sponsors.

We're also actively looking for donations from the people of Paralake. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, we've found it to be costly to provide our service and we want to make sure we can give the best service.

If you're interested in making a donation, press the button below and send us a message and we can arrange the transaction, anything will help us!


We have positions open such as, Sales Assistants, Security Lead, Logistics Runner and a Sales Supervisor! See here to apply and find out further information:
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Thanks again to everyone that attended this evening. It wasn't as good of a turnout however to me I felt it made the atmosphere just right. Was not too rowdy, it was quiet and allowed everyone to have a good time. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!

Here are some stats for the night:

> 15 new registered guests
> $72,500 made through entry fees
> $50,000 made through donations ($50,000 - @Superkiller2984 | Jack Morman)
> $40,000 given out in prizes
> $70,000 in total paid to employees for dedicating over 2.5 hours to the HSSC ($17,500 each.)
> $12,500 profit made to go towards future evenings

You've heard from us, so now I'd like to hear from the guests. I'd love to see each and every person come back when we next have an evening so below is a link to a feedback form, if you could take some time to fill it out I would be incredibly thankful!

Have a good night!