I have returned

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Deleted member 9515

First and formost i would like to appolazige for my demeanor this after noon i recieved some bad news IRL.
Besides that i'm a person that suffers from cronical depression and panic attacks. I was sick when i joined the server and still am i loved the interaction i had with 50% of the player those that were kind and nice and also about 50% of the staff that were nice and attentive to peoples needs.
The reason i'm quitting is nº1- I can no longer in good faith play when i have 13 yearold kids screaching and just harrassing nº2 people that are older then 13 acting like 13 years old just to escale certain situations and cause trouble for me and other nº3 people that get way with stuff because they have a buddy as staff menber or the have a buddy at IA nº4 people that used their rank in PD when RP as civivilian to tell PD what they can and can't do even when they are wrong. And going back to nº3 Biased staff.
Again i was proud to be part of this community even if it was only a small amount of time i had fun and even made some real connections with some people but i request that after this is posted it be allowed to stay for 1 day for those that care about this to read it and after that i request that all my connection to PERP be deleted that is this forum account and the PLPD account Thank you for your time and i hope that those that still can enjoy this game do and that it may last another 9 years i wish the best to everyone even the people that hate me or dislike me for justifiable or unjustifiable reasons.
Again Thank you for the entertainement you proviveded me this past week
nº3 people that get way with stuff because they have a buddy as staff menber or the have a buddy at IA
Mate, this is pure bullshit ngl. Especially the IA part of it considering Internal Affairs investigators have basically no say in what the outcome of a complaint is so learn your facts before slandering.
nº3 Biased staff.
more bullox tbh
nº4 people that used their rank in PD when RP as civivilian to tell PD what they can and can't do even when they are wrong.
Nowhere is says you have to listen to them if they're off duty?
I mean what did you expect? The whole thing is supposed to be like this, there will always be good and bad in a server. You just exposed yourself to the bad side so far. There are a lot of things in place to stop corruption like you said, even if they have buddies, and if you think the staff member/cop is biased you can always report them. But like @MiniRaze said IA doesn't have a say in whatever you report, they only give the facts of the situation.

If you're having mental health issues you should go to a professional, don't expect some random person on the forums to be your therapist.
Sorry about the IRL Stuff man.

But its worth noting that:

The reason i'm quitting is nº1- I can no longer in good faith play when i have 13 yearold kids screaching and just harrassing
Quit gmod in total then. PERP is a haven of avoiding verbal abuse compared to other servers where you'll just be randomly red sticked into a jail cell where the whole swat team is waiting for prisoners to spawn so they can either gun them down or stunstick abuse them whilst screaming racial slurs.

nº2 people that are older then 13 acting like 13 years old just to escale certain situations and cause trouble for me and other
Previous point. Gmod is the PC equivalent of playing with legos except with more racial slurs.

º3 people that get way with stuff because they have a buddy as staff menber or the have a buddy at IA
Anyone can say this, yet no one can prove it lol. Also, having someone in IA to cover for you isn't going to work when the outcome is decided by a completely different party to IA. This is just a massive cope.

nº3 Biased staff.
Make staff complaints on "Biased staff". No one with the power to do so will cover for another staff member if they've genuinely done something wrong. This strikes me more as you've joined a community with a false sense of "Knowing" you understand it completely in the short time frame you've been here and you simply don't enjoy being told otherwise.
Ok small update to clarify everything.
First and formost i Do appolagize to all that i may have hurt with my statements.
I explained my mental issuies for a simple reason my youger newphew that has down syndrome sadly when he was 1 had to have a heart surgery he then had some complication dirived from a blood cloth that stoped his kidneys from working ever since he was in dialisis and recently because of other complications he had to switch to imodialisis i was very happy the day before i posted this for they had found a kidney for him and the doctors stated everything went well the day of in the middle of the day i got a text from my sister that things were not going so well so me having my previous mental problems i started to panic and felt more and more depressed i'm sorry i lashed towards the community none of you were at fault i still state that my n1 and n2 point are correnct but i tryed to find other rp servers and has stated bnej they are 100x worse you get in no RP at all people just rdm staff does not care at all so i was about to quit gmod and i even started having some more lets say suicidal tendencies (don't worry i am followed by a psyciathrist and psycologist) i am much better now that the problem they detected was a false positive just got the news today i appoligize for not understanding some of the situations manly with IA and accusing staff of being biased in some situation it seem as such but after refleting alot on my own actions and on the staff action in the situation i tought they were bias i came to the conclusions that the staff menbers either didn't have enough information from me or the other party involved to act and i tough they were being biased i appolazige to any staff menber that tought that was directed at them i hope you can welcome me back into the community and once again i am depply sorry
Oh and i just wish to add that none of my IRL is justification for the way i acted towards some people in that day.

Going to let you read a paragraph on a little advice I put on mental health. It's something most of us are fighting man, there are very few people that live a perfect life, people wear a mask too and cover it up. I'm fighting a bomb raid zerg of demons every night but try your best not to bring it onto a forums post. I understand a cry for help and believe me, there are countless times I've wanted to just openly put some stupid suicidal shit on the forums but speak to someone close about it instead, or someone professional who can actually help you. Putting it on the forums can create a depressing environment for everyone else (you could gaslight someone else is what I'm saying). Plus it can easily get used as fuel on here for people who dislike you (as scummy as it sounds).

But yeah; if you need to vent your problems or maybe need convincing on why the server is good, add me up on steam and I will be happy to help.

You're not in this alone man.
