I kno De Wae


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Sitting here eating grapes I realised I made a grave mistake..... I didn't make a goodbye post

You see, making a PH goodbye post is a major part of leaving the community, not only to say goodbye, but also to say some things, and apologise for my sins... here I go...

I've been in the community for 3-4 years lost track to be honest, when I first started people used TS to metagame, but nooo, Steam messenger chat was da wae back then, all jokes aside this is just satireeee, never "Metagamed" in my life scouts honour. But you see, one thing that does annoy me is my ban got extended for 4 months because people were talking in a discord I was in, for metagame... I didn't use the out of character communication system to my advantage, and I was the only one who received a punishment? this is democracy manifest! In fact, I have a nice little clip of @John Daymon and Tom Hill doing the same thing (Wouldnt let me tag you sorry) and I don't think this was necessarily wrong of the party but I received a 4-month ban and I never actually committed a offence? Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Now for my "honourable" mentions!
@MrAaron - I know your forum banned don't let the dickheads grind you down son! The only person I still associate with outside of the perpheads who still knows how to have a laugh, see you soon brother...
@Moon The Goon - Honestly the biggest bumlick I've met, ur alright when your not trying to get into Olsen or @Dom_ 's pants.
@Fusions - Ultimate memer, also knows how to have a laugh, the better Kray twin because he doesn't change around people :P
@How do i quickscope? - RIP dude, I kinda like you due to you saving my M4 in a shootout that one time, will miss you greatly, even though I've received 3 forum bans due to my content on the subject of Smith Carry.
@Mango - You could buy popularity with the amount of money you spend on name changes weekly
@atomic_wizard - The least Crooked ex / Staff member I know, i raised you from a sweater vest and look how you sprouted
@Sam - Also community banned aswell, you did help me when I was a sweater, but you also ban evaded LOLOLOLOLOL
@cardstarvipe your a bigger bumlick than @Moon The Goon , and you wear DC.
@ErmakDimon - Stop singing
@Super_ - Thanks for the ban
@Matt douggydugdug - Ur actually alright when we're not beefing
@Dom_ - You took me under your wing and got me somewhat of a reputation in perp, not even bothered that I was hated at the time, I'm glad we helped you rig the votes for "Best Shooter" <3
@Daigestive - We just shoot each other randomly
@Silent - I also helped you as a sweater vest and you boosted me in CS so we're even.
@Mage - RIP, really hope they let you back into the community because you always bang on about how much you miss it, had some good times with you remember when we brought Kyle to the monorail and said we were gonna raid it, good times.
@Benjamin - Really really posh
@JBirksy - You'll never get staff
@Shokron13 - I love you man but please sort out your taste in music for the love of God.
@Husky - You're the equivalent of a "rich kids Instagram"
@Walker - You play star wars RP XDXDXDXDXDXD
@Taylor - We actually used to be quite good friends a few years back, not you clean out any Olsen members bumhole for a raid.
@Sorle - idk why it won't let me tag you, basically the person who got me back into perp, I like you still so come discord sometimes you little skid.
@Crow - クロウ™ ツ - Thanks for following me since day, being followed by crow means you've been in the community for a considerably long time.
@Teemo - You think your road as fuck but really you just get bullied
@Ashur - Bacon Ashurs
@jjjackier - Still think you have a stutter
Anyone who I missed out I apologise sincerely
My best perp moments:
Goodbye PERPHeads...​
Cya man, i remember you from the start (didnt like u too much back then) but u became one of the funniest guys i know !
This is just another salty goodbye post


goodbye mr dont piss me off man, was fun to have you occasionly pop up to take the piss out of
You’ll be back, until then have fun doing whatever the fuck you do now, good luck in life bud.

Ps - you look like a massive faggot leaving the sc group just bc matt roasted u a little.
@Daigestive - We just shoot each other randomly

You've never killed me or shot me? seems like you only RDM your friends. I'll miss 1 tapping you with a PPK.

Hope you comeback after your ban Joe. After all we bullied you out of the snapchat group. L8r b.