It's been a great time...

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United Kingdom
Well i started playing in late 2015 and ever since i fell in love with this community. I have gotten to a point where i have started to loose interest of PERP and the gamemode is taking over my life...

Im sure i won't be gone for too long but yano.

Recently i just wanna say thanks to a few people:

@MrAaron Some people think you're a right cunt. But in all honesty i really enjoy being around you IG and on TS. We get along so well and even if im having problems at home or something your always there to cheer me up!

@Wolfjie Same with Aaron. Your a great laugh and are always there for me. We have had some great times and im sure we will keep in contact.

@MrLewis You and Aaron took me in back in Avito and made me who i am now! Thanks for being there Lew Lew

@Creepis You let me become Underboss in your org and ever since then we got along very well. Thanks Furkan!

@Adrish You and Bertie were the first people i ever met in PERP. I enjoyed all the times we have had together and will hopefully have some more in the future!

@cardstarvipe Enjoyed all the times i have had with you, and joke times when you were sending me, Aaron and Wolfjie videos of you on snapchat.

@JarredInator We had some great times all of the squad on rust. Your a great shooter and you make me laugh so much!

@Whitewolf Your good as a cop. Bye. Jokes your a really great guy and i enjoy playing with you!

@CiniJones Your the best Polski i know. Your a great laugh. Gonna miss seeing "Morning" in OOC but will still hop onto Lewis' teamspeak!

@mage First met you in Standish where you would grow and just play the phone games like tetris etc. Your my little raiding buddy and we have had some great times. Remeber, we wikl always have SPWC 2!

If i have missed anyone im sorry but thanks to the whole community for being so great !

Bye for now lads!
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Well, Hermandez. I've known you for a while, and seen you when you a sweater driving a mini cooper around. Somehow your richer than me, but PERPHeads logic..
Hope to see you soon mate!
Bye Keel. You were a really nice guy. Bye and have fun with what you are going to do
I was there to take you in as a sweater, you grew with us. We left and came back. You still came back to us but was shot in the face. We left and came back. You still returned and joined our org and we had good times. Then we left and came back again. You had a Lamborghini and I had my Mitsubishi. I saved up with you and got my Porsche.

We've been friends for a long time. It's sad to see you go man. We've had a lot of fun times and I hope you come back. If you start playing CSGO you can play with me.

Bye <3
Fuck mate you really did make the post. Keel mate even though you will not be on the server still come on TS everyday with us and chill even if its for an hour or two. We all get bored of Perp sometimes and we all need a break. I hope to see you on the server soon. However for now make sure your on Snapchat, Ts and Whatsapp thats where the banter is.


See you in a bit lad <3

we had some really good times togheter we had great times in standish, then i became hermandez......
you are very nice dude and sad to see you go,
hopefully will see you soon,
Wauw John why :/. It was a great time playing with you. We raided alot did everything. Philip and me did everything to get you into Standish and it succeded. Since than you showed your loyalty. You have been so nice to many people. You are a great person. Goodluck with your future ;)
U didn't tag me cus u want your money back? and wtf ur picture, do you have a girlfriend?
Aaaanyways, we gon miss u buddy <3 hopefully cya soon :cat:
You're a great guy Keel and a true friend. As soon as I started the Avito and seen you I knew you had potential do be a great man :kappa:

In all seriousness, I will miss you a lot mate. Even though you may not be playing on perp be sure to stay active in the teamspeak, will be sad if you suddenly disappear <3

Didn't even mention Matt for saving your cousins AK all the time, any ways, see you when you get back, I have made a compilation of us
from saturday
Well the fact that your leaving perp will mean that i wont have someone to fuck around with except from @Wolfjie.
Get your csgo fixed and we'll squad up with aaron dommy jeffer harry xD