If you could have any gun in Perp RN what would you want in perp??

Unironically an RPG would be great, but it would need to be insanely expensive to fire so it only would get used against something like a brute on max cop count.

Just bring back 2016 recoil and revert marksmanship removal I beg

Would take that over new guns any day
why was it removed anyway?
Unironically an RPG would be great, but it would need to be insanely expensive to fire so it only would get used against something like a brute on max cop count.

why was it removed anyway?
Marksmanship as a whole was removed as an aspect of recoil in the game in a massive gun update a few years back.

Guns like M4s were then also increased in fire rate due to server related tick rate updates I believe.
Walther P22 (love this gun IRL), MG-42 for the BRRRRRR, newer models of the Desert Eagle because sexy and a silencer for MP7.
why was it removed anyway?
It was impossible to control recoil as a new player and it cost over a million to get to a level where it was controllable.

Recoil was never changed, guns actually were bugged and Tiny fixed it so they actually fired when they should which resulted in guns feeling different.