Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

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i think construction should be much more free, idk if this is the reason for perp 'dying' but i certainly remember having much more fun with perp when very elaborate belinsky family defences (shoutout to my belinsky homies) were allowed, i also think elevated platforms should be allowed and so should all the really cool traditional defences like concrete barricades on their side to make really strong wallbang proof walls. even when i am not growing drugs im not allowed any creativity because of sweaty sweat faces coming over with their physgun telling me off i get told off for building really cool things in public or i get told off for having a sofa at the wrong angle

i thought construction handbook was a good idea originally thinking it was going to be a nice useful guide for people to use so they know not to really really push it but i dont like how it has become a nazi rule book limiting everybodys creativity

kind regards
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had a suggestion where we'd have a conversation with the playerbase on Teamspeak where you as a player would be able to raise questions regarding different things;
eh dunno what to write more I think one of the issues have been that we haven't listened to the community as much as we should've and it pisses me off a bit.
In the many threads where we bitched about things and asked for a say in some things, and even you suggesting it in the staff team why isn't this a thing? I mean seeing you and Lewis 088 suggesting things into the staff team that the general playerbase would really appriciate is nice, but why don't we have this yet.

I mean look at at some of the hate and rage some rule additions brought in, wouldn't it be much better to discuss new rules with players so that everybody appriciates the rules? Probably better to discuss the rule, than to make it, get the community to hate it, only to 'silence' their beef by locking the threads.

I don't know if these threads are useful though. This certainly isn't the first one where very good things are suggested and where issues are brought up but like does really anything get fixed by them?
Personally i feel that the constant feel of "i don't get listened to" makes PH die, as in everything is so secretive and there is barely any transparency on what is going on
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IKEA - Northern Europe
In the many threads where we bitched about things and asked for a say in some things, and even you suggesting it in the staff team why isn't this a thing? I mean seeing you and Lewis 088 suggesting things into the staff team that the general playerbase would really appriciate is nice, but why don't we have this yet.

I mean look at at some of the hate and rage some rule additions brought in, wouldn't it be much better to discuss new rules with players so that everybody appriciates the rules? Probably better to discuss the rule, than to make it, get the community to hate it, only to 'silence' their beef by locking the threads.

I don't know if these threads are useful though. This certainly isn't the first one where very good things are suggested and where issues are brought up but like does really anything get fixed by them?
Personally i feel that the constant feel of "i don't get listened to" makes PH die, as in everything is so secretive and there is barely any transparency on what is going on
I'm not the person in charge of the staff team, I have a million ideas that I've several times brought up in meetings and such, I'm not saying @MrLewis and @Bolli are doing a bad job, rather the opposite it's two people who are both busy IRL and do as much as they can for the staff team, it's hard doing what they do, I think that we all can sit on our computers and say hey do this and do that, but in the end of the day these are two guys who put their heart and soul into it, I mean even though I dislike some things in the booklet it's still something that Lewis put a hell of a lot of time into.
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Recently there's been a lot of talk about "Perp dying" and I just wanted everyone's concerns worries and fixes to help the server. The two main problems for me is rules and organizations, there is no contest to organizations right now basically its La Cosa Nostra running round raiding any base killing cops and repeating. The rules are so restricting it makes everyone not raid, not get revenge, not RP because the rules don't let you take risks to RP and it's just the same old same old now. The best RP you see now is someone asking for ID in a traffic stop, like its quite pathetic whereas when I first started (as I saw @Robin Ljungberg mention in a thread before) it used to be revenge killing KOSing people unarmed for beefing with your org, hunting people down, having organisation wars between like 3 good organisations, torturing people, kidnapping them, mowing down organisations on the street it was so fun like everyone did what they want and no one really complained they respawned and fucked us back up. Partly I think organizations should have bios of wars or a war system where there's an opposing organization that you raid, kill for like org xp where you gain xp so you can invite maybe one extra person every 5 levels and have like an 8 person limit to start. Also, something that I think would bring back PERP instantly is unbanning everyone but hackers and you can see the server spring back to life.

Just want to see everyone's opinions fixes and see who agrees with me as its something that I think can save PERP and getting everyone's input maybe we can come to an agreement with the staff and revive perp with each other.
I would say unban everyone except of cheats and people with Really Major ban reasons that is permbanned.
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Actually. Not everyone has very good skills when it comes to precisely moving their mouse. I do not. I suppose we can call it aim, but I am a very clumsy person. People who lack one have the other one. So smart defenses are just something people used...
Right now it's coming to the point where the raiders almost get an advantage if you don't count cops. Prefire known spots etc.
I just stopped basing in general. It became boring... All bases are basically the same and if you raid a bit you can just prefire known spots. No more uniqueness all is just the same.

There are many people who can’t aim who are in good orgs and are successful, look at Xhantium for example, he owned PP and still can’t aim for shit, Brandon casavant, he is only in the org bc he is a friend. You don’t need to be able to aim you just need to associate yourself with the right people and demonstrate different skills you have, everyone has a skill which is beneficial to an org you just need to prove yourself.
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I do think many people try something but give up. If all the decent people are collected in a single group you know what happens. They'll just run over the others. It's a fact and it can be seen happening.
Instead of complaining you got no competition, maybe become the competition?

Understood, I’ll sort something out soon ;)
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
I’m pretty sure we can all agree on that if all the restricting shit was removed such as construction booklet and not being able to jump from a staircase which is approximately 8ft tall, then the players will come back and enjoy. The reason I didn’t play for months is because I can’t even have fun.
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If anyone wants to make a suggestion with me right now on what to modify I am willing to write one out with some help. Add me on steam and we can talk further. Probably needs to be about the construction booklet and things that would make a big difference to the sever as a whole.
What do you mean?
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United Kingdom
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Big up luton
Sort out all the toxic people in OOC and give new people a chance and it might come back to what it used to be, community is toxic as fuck rn and I have noticed that in 3 days.