PD Resignation

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Professional Stripper
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Ive been in the PD since January 2016. Previously been Head of PSD, Acting head of IA and Patrol. I have no enjoyment going on duty anymore the main reason is the lack of active criminals in the city. The server is so reliant on myself, Icekiller, Jamal or Glacial to start a shootout we have TFU on duty at 2AM just waiting for us to start a shootout. Where is the enjoyment in that? it's killed the Pd for me. Currently we have zerg TFU that would rather sit as TFU for 8 hours for a free shootout than start one themselves. The PD only accounts for 1/10th of the server and a lot of people just want a free shootout. Tfu accepted anyone woth a pulse because "would you rather them have a berretta or an AR." We have command members that havent met activity requirents in 5 months. Removing the Whitlist lowerd the standars of PD. PSD are now Exonerating complaints myself, Jordan and Samuel were once sustaining and vice versa. PD had died and is being abused by people that can't do shit off duty.
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How often do you someone start shootout that isnt icekiller, Jamal or Dom. its so stupid. Then we still have TFU sitting on duty for hours for a free shootout.
the bare facts in this thread dude

i know nobody's going to read this but im just going to waste my time anyways just for the sake helping this dying server....

Anything that has to do with PD will always be dumb rated or disagreed if it effects ones powers.
PD is literally killing the fucking server.
6 tfu is ass, bring back cancer swat skiddos.
remington needs nerf.
police ranking system is bias.
why grind 3 months in pd if ur going to get jack shit from it.
can't even have a bit of mingery without someone being salty because u raided them last week.
the list keeps going on.....

Main point is PD needs fixing or else im out this hoe again ;)
i know nobody's going to read this but im just going to waste my time anyways just for the sake helping this dying server....

Anything that has to do with PD will always be dumb rated or disagreed if it effects ones powers.
PD is literally killing the fucking server.
6 tfu is ass, bring back cancer swat skiddos.
remington needs nerf.
police ranking system is bias.
why grind 3 months in pd if ur going to get jack shit from it.
can't even have a bit of mingery without someone being salty because u raided them last week.
the list keeps going on.....

Main point is PD needs fixing or else im out this hoe again ;)

The Remington is literally weaker on PERP then In real life.

Of course people are going to say ‘it isn’t fun getting 1 banged from 40M from a cop’
Well it isn’t fun getting sprayed as you respond to a situation and have no chance to do things

I agree with the decrease to 4 TFO’s to be put on service and I also agree with the PD Bias.

The PD isn’t the only thing killing the system, the server isn’t really being killed and people are probably just busy due to the whole transition out of the summer break into school/work and all.
i know nobody's going to read this but im just going to waste my time anyways just for the sake helping this dying server....

Anything that has to do with PD will always be dumb rated or disagreed if it effects ones powers.
PD is literally killing the fucking server.
6 tfu is ass, bring back cancer swat skiddos.
remington needs nerf.
police ranking system is bias.
why grind 3 months in pd if ur going to get jack shit from it.
can't even have a bit of mingery without someone being salty because u raided them last week.
the list keeps going on.....

Main point is PD needs fixing or else im out this hoe again ;)

Don't mean to target you too much @gLaCiAl - Although these points I am making wrap nicely around your awful post & answers some issues in the OP.

Anything that has to do with PD will always be dumb rated or disagreed if it effects ones powers.

Possibly because poorly written paragraphs full of salt-fuelled motives, harnessing an abundance of fuck all to assist improvement, but a whole lot to hate aren't exactly enjoyable to read. Frankly, it's dumb.

PD is literally killing the fucking server.
Every time I see this I have a little chuckle, because I seem to remember myself and the other two Chiefs wondering what we could possibly do to solve this issue we allegedly were causing.

A large group of people said TFU was too hard to get... we lowered the requirements & made it easier to complete the assessments. The same people who were previously were complaining, are now on the other end saying it's "too easy" and "TFU is aids now".

Some of the same people also said the PD was way too hard to get in to, so we removed the formal application process and made it incredibly easy for even brand new players to join the department. We were then left with cries from the very same people who called for this, despite our absolute reservations of this very thing happening which were detailed in the thread.
the list keeps going on.....

It's just ridiculously untrue to even consider that we're not open or embrace, solve and discuss peoples issues with the system. However, I do not appreciate hordes of people jumping on a metaphorical bandwagon to unjustly attack this project, without evidence or some form of discussion on how their issue could be ultimately solved. Calling the PD 'shit' once a month or saying we should 'bring back swat' just isn't helping? I'm not too sure who in their right mind would think that would help.

I've got a theory @gLaCiAl - Could it be that you're on this bandwagon because you've dropped four PD ranks due to your own inactivity?

why grind 3 months in pd if ur going to get jack shit from it.

Why be given an opportunity to be Sergeant because you were a great officer, then waste that by going incredibly inactive causing yourself to get demoted? Then seep back through the cracks and attempt to get reinstated, and because you didn't meet the requirements listed in the policy you go on a frenzy attempting to attack the department.


(Segway into the OP)

Ive been in the PD since January 2016. Previously been Head of PSD, Acting head of IA and Patrol. I have no enjoyment going on duty anymore the main reason is the lack of active criminals in the city. The server is so reliant on myself, Icekiller, Jamal or Glacial to start a shootout we have TFU on duty at 2AM just waiting for us to start a shootout. Where is the enjoyment in that? it's killed the Pd for me. Currently we have zerg TFU that would rather sit as TFU for 8 hours for a free shootout than start one themselves. The PD only accounts for 1/10th of the server and a lot of people just want a free shootout. Tfu accepted anyone woth a pulse because "would you rather them have a berretta or an AR." We have command members that havent met activity requirents in 5 months. Removing the Whitlist lowerd the standars of PD. PSD are now Exonerating complaints myself, Jordan and Samuel were once sustaining and vice versa. PD had died and is being abused by people that can't do shit off duty.

I voiced a lot of my opinion of this to you privately in steam, namely the 'slagging off' of the PD without any actual attempt to help us improve.
But you have some valid points here, so it would make sense to actually address them to you publicly.

I've taken a little bit of a back seat from the PD recently, mainly due to @TinySlayer and I settling into our new staff roles. During this time it has become more apparent to me that criminals are a little undernourished in terms of game play, it's slowly got worse over the course of the last year or so.

People aren't raiding as much, nor are people basing as much & when they do base they're usually with incredibly big organisations. 'Wars' are quite literally non-existent and generally 'criminal rp' is at an all time low. We spoke about this quite a bit in the full staff meeting we had recently, this subject was pushed by @Brinch and we really did have quite a good discussion.

We didn't reach a magic remedy to fix these issues, but we did have talks of some form of XP system for players in organisations, giving them special unlocks if they reach a certain XP for doing specific tasks or criminal-related activity. I believe this would give a great boost in terms of reward, and also just give criminals a little bit more to do. We also had brief talks of lowering the organisation member limit to a fixed amount, allowing for a higher amount of smaller organisations opposed to the huge 70 member ones we sometimes see knocking about.

We'd also like to see changes to how we approach organisation wars, possibly adding some form of identification to people who are happily involved and don't mind more "confrontation" from opposing gangs.

It's all discussion currently, but some of the above is plausible and we'd likely implement these gradually to slowly build criminal RP back up.
If you do have any suggestions, the staff team will discuss them. Post them here & let us know.

I'd also like to say thank you @Daigestive, you were an incredibly good officer both in and out command. I believe you could of gone further in the rankings this time around, and I wish you'd of actually brought any issues to myself or other channels rather than just resigning - I hope some of this has cleared up what we're actually attempting to do as a staff team to improve on the issues you've listed.

As for the PD, we're also incredibly open to serious, thought-out and constructive suggestions rather than this whole "fuck the pd" mentality we're so (not) fond of seeing. Click here to make a suggestion regarding PLPD-related issues.

Our main effort both in the staff team and PD is to give you guys the best opportunities for Roleplay possible. That has always and will always be the main priority, despite many thinking that most high-ranking pd members are "power hungry" and/or "in it for themselves". That just quite simply isn't the case.

I hope I touched on some of your issues.
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