Model Suggestion Image-able road sign

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Suggestion Title: Image-able road sign
Suggestion Description: Add a texture to the new road signs by @Jyrgen that allows for the display of web images in a 3:2 format.

Why should this be added?:
This would greatly increase roleplay capabilities as right now the only other 3:2 panel is a flat flag that does not stand up and would thus requires freezing to be used on roads.
The model already exists, but is not seeing its full potential realised in both the civilian and emergency services market
Encourages use of signs in public events and other passiveRP situations to direct traffic or people

What negatives could this have?:
None that I see, if you make it a different colour (i.e. black) it will be distinctive.

Useful Images:
Excellent idea. We have preset signs as barricades, why not make us easier for us do like... event parking here or turn for buisness or etc. I see these all the time irl, usually in shitty spots on corners that make turning hard.
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