Implement CPR System

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Description of the idea: Make it possible for everyone, to be possible to perform CPR. Basically giving people 30-60 seconds maybe even 90 seconds to perform CPR on a dead person or so. Sometimes there is not medics, and this would be possible for officers, and civilians and others who isn't paramedics, to revive people.

This would be just like irl, SOMETIMES there's a chance of reviving people, and sometimes it's NOT helping, but it would create some more RP and better so people don't always have to wait 5 minutes when there are no medics on duty, and would also only be available when people is in red screen ofc. Could make the chances of getting someone revived for it 25-30% and they would still need medical assistance, to make sure their okay like Irl. Or make them stunned for a few minutes after being revived.

Why should this be added? (pros): It would create some more RP, people wouldn't ALWAYS have to wait 5 minutes to respawn with no medics. It would be possible for everyone, to have a chance to revive someone.

What negatives could this have? (cons): People would revive someone mid shootout, like combat reviving from medics etc.

*Other additions: Not really anything other than it could be useful.

*Images: cpr-image_1.jpg
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add a poll smh I suggested this a little while ago and people didn't seem to like it but I think it would be a good idea and allow people to stabilise others until a medic arrives although this may increase the amount of medics kidnapped by bad orgs maybe if they stabilise them then call for a medic and take said medic
You could also make it, so it's only possible if no medics are on. And as told, it would not work everytime, only sometimes aswell.
no, as jack has said the chance of complete recovery from CPR would be small and probably almost unnoticeable a medic would still be needed to complete resus
Could make it like irl, so if you manage which the chances could be 30% of a chance or 25% chance of reviving someone, and IF they get revived they STILL need medical assistance also to make sure their okay etc, or stunned as you say.
@CensoredExe Well, I'd assume it would be put under combat reviving if you give someone CPR in an active gunfight, which could be put under the rules persay 3.4
CPR rarely ever revives someone irl. It just prolongs blood flow when they have a Code Blue, this helps them stay "alive" longer until they can be correctly resuscitated. Technically, CPR should just keep someone on the red screen for longer until a medic revived.
I think this system is to easy to abuse. A better idea in my opinion would be to give officers the option to pick up a defibrillator at the hospital. If there are no medics on duty. This way criminals will not just simply revive their teammates mid raid. The defibrillator should despawn upon use and officers should only pick one up when responding to a 10-45c. They should not be allowed to carry this on them preemptively. The defibrillator should also despawn when a medic comes online.

But I would rather not see this implemented at all.
Shame it can't distinguish between being pulverised between two cars and being shot a couple times
That could be possible too, but you actually can revive someone with CPR. If it's a normal heart attack or if someone was drowning, and there's still a chance, that's why you could put the chances to 25-30 or less.
Have you trained in any medical tho? It's quite unknown. CPR works by pushing blood around the body to keep the brain and vital organs alive. CPR alone is very unlikely to restart the victim's heart. Therefore, CPR alone is unlikely to revive a victim of sudden cardiac arrest.

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