Server Suggestion Impound vehicle button for officers

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Description of the idea: Impound vehicle button for officers (For non wrecked cars). A button or something similar to allow officers to impound vehicles when roadcrew isn't on. This could be on the ticket window.

Why should this be added? (pros): Stops loads of cars being in the road

What negatives could this have? (cons): Could be abused

*Other additions: If roadcrew is on then it could call them for the officer similar to how it already does for wrecked vehicles.

*Images: [useful images]
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let me just pull out my service pistol and shoot a perfectly good car so i can impound it since it's illegally parked.
As Censored has said, this would need a rank requirement, Something like Senior Officer or Corporal+. This will stop abuse, and if it is abused, could be dealt with by supervisors or IA, Depending on what it'd be classed under.
I think this would be a good idea however I just see a lot of people possibly abusing this, would be annoying / possibly hard to track when/if people do abuse this in situations such as randomly impounding cars as a ‘joke’ / by being excessively negative.
Also in the event of a bank robbery someone could run around impound every car in the area etc.

Could also make RP situations more aids to deal with in some senses for example in the event of a civilian receiving a parking ticket and has their car magically impounded —> wants to dispute to a supervisor —> No evidence as the car has disappeared —> word against word, obviously the cops word can count as evidence and it can be dealt by IA however, I can kinda see this ending up in a lot of useless/petty IAs for something that could’ve been dealt with in game by a supervisor if the car was not magically impounded.

tbh any feature can be abused but I can see a lot of salt arising from this, not because of the idea but because a lot of people are aids.

If this was limited to Corporal of RTU then I would agree for it as I believe they (hopefully) would have the needed experience and judgment to perform this action.

I forgot what I’m talking about now as I’m on my phone but yeah. Would be good, just needs to be correctly given to an appropriate rank that would have the minimum amount of stress for supervisors, IA and staff to have to pile on rather than to any cop that’ll result in much more minging

coolio // phone
I don't think it should be limited to CPL of RTU. If anything, it should just be limited to Corporal+ Entirely.
its kinda aids as is someone impounded my wrecked car then searched me then confiscated my gun because I didn't have anywhere to put it

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