In Game Insurance Org

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So I had this idea, i looked up the topics that people have started about insurance, it wasn't really that well specified, and they made it sound mostly like an in game feature, moreso than a In-Character, player controlled system. I could spend 3-4 hours writing a post about what i wish to achieve with this, and the current state of the RP; but i will instead write down the key points. Remember this is a discussion, so any inquiries, suggestions, cons, pros, would help me greatly. Thanks for reading this far if you've gotten here.

Edit: Important note, forgot to add that if you came to me, i would pay for the damage first, and then i would assess it, try to get money from the accused, etc. This is why it is important to stay at a scene if this happens, so that you get there information, (name, face, number, car type, plate, etc.)

Edit x2: I feel like im focusing on the basis that this will "get rid of" the people that do this, but i feel it could create something to do other than sit around and wait for drugs to grow, and it would increase social interaction between the players, something that is quite lacking

Goals that i hope this will achieve:
Currently, 3.15 and 3.3 is broken in almost every scenario involving vehicles. People drive away from the scene of an accident pretending it didn't happen, but this only happens when both cars are fine, "realistically" there would be a ripped off bumper, wheel damage, interior damage, window damage, scratches, bumps, etc. But those things don't show on the server, only when its wrecked, which is the only time people care.
I know what you're thinking, "how would an insurance company help this problem?" Simple, if you make a claim with this company, we will "assess" the damage (most likely require a demo, or ic a dash cam) and we will size it up for you depending on speed, impact, point of impact, vehicle type, vehicle size, and vehicle weight. So basically if someone hits you, and it doesn't do any visible damage in game, you can still make a claim and receive compensation, free money basically. Great right?
I am hoping this will help people drive a little more careful, follow the laws, stay at a crime scene, and roleplay MVA's properly, knowing that they could possibly have to pay money where they usually would not.

Different tiers of protection:
Where I live, (and im basing this tier system off my own insurance for reference sake), there is multiple types of liability, all with different costs, and protection.

Coverage A
-covers injury to a third party for physical injury, sickness, disease or death.
-Property damage covers damage to a third party's physical property, not damage to property the organization owns or rents.

Coverage B
-Personal injury covers injury to a third party that is not bodily injury and includes such things as libel, slander or violation of privacy.

Coverage C
-Medical payments usually have a separate smaller limit and are used as payment to third parties who have suffered minor injuries on your property even if you may not be liable or responsible. Coverage is provided to prevent lawsuits.

Coverage D
-Tenants' legal liability has its own limit and provides coverage for damage you cause to premises you occupy but don't own.

There is alot more but i forgot this was a discussion while thinking about all this, I will leave it here for further discussion.

One more note however, I am aware that because i will be essentially taking premiums from people (the payments) it will not be a one time payment, however, the base price will rise with each vehicle "tier" (supercar, sports, SUV, taxi, etc.) I could lose money easily because of false claims, friends crashing into eachother, but I'm doing this so i can hopefully change the way people think about this rule, and honestly I don't use my money for anything really, i don't grow, i don't raid, and this seems fun to me.

Give feedback please, thanks for reading once again if you've read to this point.
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Its to easy to exploit whats to stop someone braking hard infront of someone just for insurance. But if you want to lose money im not going to stop you.
Its to easy to exploit whats to stop someone braking hard infront of someone just for insurance. But if you want to lose money im not going to stop you.

I was thinking about this. I can only think about one way to deal with this right now would be a simple /roll. But like i said, i don't necesarrily need money, i got the car i wanted yesterday, and thats all i really wanted. Thanks for the feedback!
The idea itself is nice. But just like Death Howl said you probably gonna lose a lot of money. And do people have to pay money every amount of time to have an insurance?
I seriously do like your idea. What I've also seen is that a lot of people, even government officials break the law 12.8 really often. I believe that this law is not really known. (@LordTyla we should make an Accident Aware video or something).
The idea itself is nice. But just like Death Howl said you probably gonna lose a lot of money. And do people have to pay money every amount of time to have an insurance?

Depending on how many people would like to use this, yes or no, i am not sure. All i know is if a client comes to me and says he wants to get a quote i would do that and add it to a separate ooc spreadsheet with information. I have yet to work out the prices for each tier and what not but im gonna spend a good portion of today working out some problems

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