Server Suggestion Inactive Property Check

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Suggestion Title: Inactive Property Check
Suggestion Description: Suggestion from server discussion:

Several times a day, staffmembers have to go around asking to sell properties no one is actively using or is empty, due to the high player count because we usually hit 60 players before lunch.
Paralake v5 is not made for the massive player increase we got the last few months and the properties are limited.

My suggestion is that when the server hit 60 players, there will be a Property check every 2 hours.
When the server is over 110 players, the Property check will be every hour.

If the owner haven't locked/unlocked the door or accessed the chest for 2 hours the bank will text the owner if they haven't been using their property aka doors or chest within 15 minutes, the property will be force sold.

This is to prevent of people claiming several properties when the server is full and resulting in new players can't do their missions or have to buy expensive properties like Office to finish the mission, which have happened several times. This will also prevent people to buy up a whole apartment building just to use one apartment.

Why should this be added?:
- Easier for new players to finish their mission, and sell their property when they're done if they haven't accessed it in 1-2 hours.
- Prevent players buying properties and goes afk for hours.
- Saving time and effort for staffmembers to chase down inactive properties.

What negatives could this have?:
- People can't go afk for 7 hours a day.
I do not think this is a good suggestion, I can see several ways were it might be impossible to get to the property in time such as a car wreck at 50 minutes after socializing/chatting at bazaar. Getting arrested upon the last bit after a long raid/prep or bank robbery where you have to hide. Genuinely police sit can take a long time if a friend breaks you out or an incompetent cop takes a shit long time.

I would rather see a staff member ask me to sell it than come back to my property a little too late and be bumped to see my property getting sold while I came back with for example a gun on my back and one in hand, a cop comes up and I do not have a property with keys anymore.

On paper it looks like an okay idea but I think practically it will be more of a disaster than you think, there is enough staff now to handle such a simple request. You will alo still get the same amount of reports as there are props in the building that needs to get removed at that point anyway.

sorry to say but I am against this suggestion
If you haven't used your property in 2 hours and then get a text/popup saying you need to use your property within 10 minutes and fail to do so, then you clearly don't need it enough to keep it. You can always contact staff if your stuck in a RP sit so you can't get to your property. We only have ~45 properties on the server and almost daily all of them are taken.

The time the take for staff to check every property, who owns it and when they last used it in the ligs is extremely time consuming that could be spent on real reports imo
I don't think is a good thing to have automated like this. I'll use myself as an example. I sometimes buy 1 hicktown trailer to (usually dry coke) and I might leave to sell guns at the bazaar after a while or go raid/mug people and then when I think I can safely return to my hicktown property I'll suddenly notice that I no longer own it.
I like the idea. Despite what players might think, this task is something moderators will deal with 20 or so times in a single evening, if not more. It takes up a LOT of our time to go around and look through the shops, message their owners, wait for responses and be ignored.

I however agree with the majority in your discussion. Property checks should be every hour, starting at 60, and you should get a message from the bank to warn that you have 10-15 minutes before it will be force sold.

It won't solve all our problems but it is a step in the right direction imo.


What if there is still stuff in the shop? It's a bit silly to force sell a shop with items in it
I'm not saying that this type system shouldn't be implemented at all. It just needs a lot more nuance and I don't think the solution is as simple as this suggestion suggests.
Maybe a text from bank 20 minutes before a force sell then a popup 10 minutes before a force sell. There are a lot of shops that only have 2-3 items for sale then go afk for hours, preventing other people who want to actively use the shop. And several apartments are being bought to prevent other people from living there and raid.
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