Increase the paycheck for all jobs (excluding officer)

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Description of the idea: Increase the paychecks for each job to a much higher amount, To get a basic idea I made a list below.

  • Paramedic - Raise to at least $450 per minute ($787 per minute as VIP)
  • Firefighter - Raise to at least $350 per minute ($612 per minute as VIP)
  • Roadcrew - Raise to at least $400 per minute ($700 per minute as VIP)
  • Taxi Driver - Raise to at least $250 per minute ($437 per minute as VIP)
  • Courier - Raise to at least $350 per minute ($612 per minute as VIP)
  • Secret Service - Raise to at least $400 per minute ($700 per minute as VIP)
  • Mayor - Raise to at least $400 per minute ($700 per minute as VIP)
These can be adjusted further this is just a basic idea.

Why should this be added? (pros):

  • Jobs won't be empty 24/7
  • Passive rp will be more common

What negatives could this have? (cons):

  • None that i can think of
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Agree with all apart from more fire spawns. They do causes performance issues for most players and can block off places like farm. Although I think something needs to be done for firefighters as that has always been a dead job.
The only time Ive seen taxis being used is with Malicious intent or people essentially offering to blow you for Getting in their taxis. It’s a sad job
That's a great point I recently got a new PC so I can actually play with decent FPS but I do remember the days of getting 10 fps and having to r_3dsky 0 LOL
This suggestion needs looking into ASAP, since being back I’ve made just under 15mil. Something of which shouldn’t be a thing in under two weeks.

This is such an easy edit and will help RP a ton, @Samuel pls add
You're asking for these jobs to get a higher pay than the Police rank of Lieutenant with VIP!
Bit angry at this >:(
Pd is pretty fun to play where as most of the other jobs are extremely boring so no one ever does them, at least with higher money people would play them to make money thus actually having people in the other jobs.
I’ve been playing jobs a lot lately in light of this suggestion Without VIP. Here’s what I found out:

For paramedic:
- After a shootout where cops all die and the criminals leave, my average money from removing bodies as a paramedic was 4.5k-5.5k average. on one occasion I made 7K.
- A shootout where cops win with a small number of suspects leaves about 2.5k tops Unless more cops die or there is a large number of criminals.
Almost none of the cash gained was as a result of the pay check, it was solely through actively doing something. As a paramedic, the default, non vip pay check is dogshit.
- If you join the job when a forest fire has been burning for a significant amount of time, you can make approximately between 10k-20k dealing with it.
- “Fresh” fires are dogshit, you only earn pocket change from those.
- You get about 4k-8k for dealing with structural fires.

Yet to try courier out again.

The jobs pay well given there is something to do. However, raising the pay check will encourage people to stay on the job when there isn’t anything else to do.

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One of the biggest issues right now is that there is never anyone on a job when it's needed because they don't want to sit and wait while earning little to no money in the process, biggest reason you've probably seen 5 firefighters in like 5 years.
If you dont want money to incentivize roleplay then you might aswell turn paralake communist, if you dont incentivize roleplay, people will powergrow or not play instead.
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