Increase the round capacity for the M82.

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Topic: Increase the round capacity for the M82.

Short explanation (in notes):
- In real life a M82 Mag(azine)(s) would normally carry more than 5 bullets.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Some M82's carry up to a 10 bullet capacity and I know this is a very unnecessary idea but It gives people who buy the M82 more of a benefit other than a one shot kill.

Optional additions:
- There could be a 'Small M82 Magazine' And a 'Large M82 Magazine'. The Small giving a 5 bullet capacity and the Large of course giving a 10 bullet capacity.

Once again, I realize this isn't needed but it's a small thing that the M82 should have as a positive outcome.
That gun is OP enough we need to think about weapon balance. If this did get increased then all you need to win a raid is an M82. While I do know the round capacity is about 10 realisticly 50 Caliber rounds are hard to come by and expensive.

I will remain neutral on this leaning to a -support the police gets mowed down by OP guns already.
I love the M82, but a 10 round mag is really not needed. I would not say its op either as its not 100% accurate.


The standard magazine size of the famous Barrett m82 is 10 bullets capacity.
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The magazine displayed on the current model we're using (as well as the magazine prop) is a 5 round magazine. A 10 round magazine would stick down from under the gun, while the 5 round one is pretty much flush with the gun itself. If we add a 10 round magazine I'd have to modify the size of the magazine otherwise I wouldn't be satisfied (And neither would Stephen I'm sure).
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