Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

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Suggestion Title: Increase the usefulness of armor
Suggestion Description: Just increase the durability of moderate armor and even heavy to some extent. Being able to take more hits before going down

Why should this be added?:
- I feel like we have no reason to have this armor. It barely stops any damage to the officers involved and often I've noticed throughout my gameplay as a pistol cop that often our opponents are better armed. Giving us this would help give us some advantage. If you can barely distinguish a pistol cop and a regular dude with a pistol in effectiveness. I feel like something is off just by that alone

What negatives could this have?:
- Hard to balance, as it was in the other extreme in the past
- Unfair perhaps to those with a better weapon to some extent
There’s absolutely no issue with police armor…
In my experience, It feels like it does nothing to reduce damage. I always get blasted in situations even without a headshot
I mean i struggle to find a clip but cops def do have armour that saves there asses, as seen by me shooting a cop in the back 5 times with a CT and him being absolutly fine,whereas if i was to do that to a civ he would probably be dead after the third shot.
Despite being someone who would love to see pistol cops get a little more staying power, I gotta agree with everyone else here. That armour will save your ass when you're taking sporadic fire. If you're getting one-tapped, or lasered with a rifle, then yeah, it makes little to no difference, but smaller calibre stuff is a lot easier to shrug off with that armour.
Then even TFU Armour won't make a difference for you. And trust me, the armor does a lot. Try being a civ and see how cocky you can be with your pushes.
In your experience what have you noticed?

yes please add new armor for tfu and cops i think it will be better for everyone

atm the armor is not worth it ( this armor above will be good i think)

@John Chapman idk if you try to raid people as civ or no but if you didnt you should try and see how the armor make big different
Armor is already realistic.

As normal cop, you can take slightly more damage to the body but headshots will kill you.

As TFU you can take a fair bit more damage to the body but headshots will kill you (most times).

I mostly play as cop, we do not need a buff. We should win every shootout, when we don’t it’s because of our own doing.

You aren’t supposed to be a juggernaut. Play like you actually value your life and you’ll have a lot more success.
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