Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam/In-game Name: [Azlrubdk Vagner AziRuB_DK] [Scott Kerr "Scotty"]
His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51885455 STEAM_0:0:63095828
Reason: Breaking 3.21
Additional Information:
It's only Information for the Staff Team, I would ask to speak with them.
Go to: 20500
[Azlrubdk Vagner AziRuB_DK] He walked across the Higway without Reason. (He was Injured well please Explain the Situation with him.
[Scott Kerr "Scotty"] He walked across the Higway without Reason. (Around 30 Seconds after the Azlrubdk)
I'm not really sure about the "Azlrubdk Vagner" In-Game name. It's breaking 3.1 or not?
(Click on the Photo to be moved to the Demo Download Website.)

Regards, Kevin.
Thank you MoronPipllyd for the help.
His Steam/In-game Name: [Azlrubdk Vagner AziRuB_DK] [Scott Kerr "Scotty"]
His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51885455 STEAM_0:0:63095828
Reason: Breaking 3.21
Additional Information:
It's only Information for the Staff Team, I would ask to speak with them.
Go to: 20500
[Azlrubdk Vagner AziRuB_DK] He walked across the Higway without Reason. (He was Injured well please Explain the Situation with him.
[Scott Kerr "Scotty"] He walked across the Higway without Reason. (Around 30 Seconds after the Azlrubdk)
I'm not really sure about the "Azlrubdk Vagner" In-Game name. It's breaking 3.1 or not?
(Click on the Photo to be moved to the Demo Download Website.)

Regards, Kevin.
Thank you MoronPipllyd for the help.