Map Suggestion Intersection pedestrian crossing

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Suggestion Title: Intersection pedestrian crossing
Suggestion Description: A lot of sweaters are crossing the intersection without usage of the under/over pass. Thats against the rules and very annoying if you drive there. Maybe it is an good idea to make a pedestrian crossing at the intersection because the sweaters dont know or are to lazy to take the over/under pass? Or if it is possible a shorter underpass (See picture as reference)

Why should this be added?:
- Less rule breakers so no waste of time for staff
- Less deadly incidents at the intersection
- Better roleplay experience

What negatives could this have?:
- The map need a rework so it costs some time for the map builders
- The existing underpass needs to be removed and maybe also the overpass?

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So you're expecting the new players to use the crossing normally and not just sprint across like they already are? This does not remove the danger of people getting run over, if there is a crossing then people are still going to be going through the intersection at full speed, just look at the business road, for example, people get run over there by cars going 80+ all day.
how about a gigantic sign saying "JAYWALKERS WILL BE EXECUTED BY GOD" and then slay anyone who runs across
I believe lelios made it so that in V6 the overpass is on the other side of the intersection making it stand out more, this way it'll be way easier for new players to walk over the overpass.
I believe lelios made it so that in V6 the overpass is on the other side of the intersection making it stand out more, this way it'll be way easier for new players to walk over the overpass.

Exactly, the overpass will be much more visible and easy of access in V6 (thanks @Lelios1) which will hopefully help with this problem.

However nothing will fully fix this problem, no matter what you do, there will always be ways of walking on the intersection and that's how its supposed to be, rules will just have to be enforced.
I think the way it is now is fine, the only suggestion I would have would be to have the overpass on the otherside which I believe may already be planned.
Although alot of people still run through the intersection it will happen either way.
Okay didnt knew the V6 plans. But its probarly an improvement with the overpass on the other side.

Maybe make the intersection from lava for pedestrians :dead:
Suggestion Title: Intersection pedestrian crossing
Suggestion Description: A lot of sweaters are crossing the intersection without usage of the under/over pass. Thats against the rules and very annoying if you drive there. Maybe it is an good idea to make a pedestrian crossing at the intersection because the sweaters dont know or are to lazy to take the over/under pass? Or if it is possible a shorter underpass (See picture as reference)

Why should this be added?:
- Less rule breakers so no waste of time for staff
- Less deadly incidents at the intersection
- Better roleplay experience

What negatives could this have?:
- The map need a rework so it costs some time for the map builders
- The existing underpass needs to be removed and maybe also the overpass?

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I like ur idea, edit the map a few places, if it is possible.
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