Map Suggestion Intersection: Protected left turns

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Suggestion Title: Intersection: Protected left turns
Suggestion Description: Add an additional dedicated left turn lane on each highway side on the approach to the intersection, causing all lanes to narrow slightly. Re-add the dedicated left turn traffic signals for these lanes.

If a vehicle is detected in the left turn lane, cycle the traffic lights to provide protected left turns for that side.

Add decals to the main intersection road to act as lane guides for merging and the protected left turns.

Why should this be added?:
+ Directly tackles the main cause of collisions on the intersection (T-bones), ensuring that all drivers with a green light have an unobstructed right of way and thus hopefully dramatically reducing accidents
+ Clears up ambiguity with left turn signal (right now the left turn green light means nothing, as it does not stop traffic in the other direction)
+ Straight on and right-turning traffic now have a less interrupted and more predictable route as left turning traffic is in a dedicated lane
+ Lane narrowing forces a reduction in speed, reducing severity of collisions and providing a longer reaction time

What negatives could this have?:
- Requires a redux of the intersection traffic signal logic (which is already required tbh as right now it is inadequate)
- Lane narrowing and more frequent protected left turns may cause issues for vehicles violating the red lights often, however this is against the rules and not encouraged

Useful Images:
attached below is a professional sketch commissioned to an infrastructure engineer
Suggestion Title: Intersection: Protected left turns
Suggestion Description: Add an additional dedicated left turn lane on each highway side on the approach to the intersection, causing all lanes to narrow slightly. Re-add the dedicated left turn traffic signals for these lanes.

If a vehicle is detected in the left turn lane, cycle the traffic lights to provide protected left turns for that side.

Add decals to the main intersection road to act as lane guides for merging and the protected left turns.

Why should this be added?:
+ Directly tackles the main cause of collisions on the intersection (T-bones), ensuring that all drivers with a green light have an unobstructed right of way and thus hopefully dramatically reducing accidents
+ Clears up ambiguity with left turn signal (right now the left turn green light means nothing, as it does not stop traffic in the other direction)
+ Straight on and right-turning traffic now have a less interrupted and more predictable route as left turning traffic is in a dedicated lane
+ Lane narrowing forces a reduction in speed, reducing severity of collisions and providing a longer reaction time

What negatives could this have?:
- Requires a redux of the intersection traffic signal logic (which is already required tbh as right now it is inadequate)
- Lane narrowing and more frequent protected left turns may cause issues for vehicles violating the red lights often, however this is against the rules and not encouraged

Useful Images:
attached below is a professional sketch commissioned to an infrastructure engineer
There already is a left turn signal on the main straights, wouldnt think coding would be too bad for it
There already is a left turn signal on the main straights, wouldnt think coding would be too bad for it
Dunno if you remember but in the original Paralake City V1 there were dedicated left turn traffic lights facing each direction.
Or we could just amend law 12.14, giving vehicles going straight the right of way in a situation where vehicles are going both straight and turning which could intersect.

This has already been suggested here but as far as I can see nothing has been done with this yet.

And I can hear you thinking that this is not going to help, since people will just ignore this but since this suggestion is in regards to the main highway intersection this is would effectively also turn it into something that can be enforced by staff under rule 3.22.
I would agree but changing it to not be from highway to city but the city (hospital and PD) to highway to turn either direction.
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