Is It Just Me

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amber Powell
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Amber Powell

now i dont know about you lot, but me and my friends have been Ddossed aswell ass the Perpheads website, i dont perceptually like being ddossed so if its someone here doing it, just stop
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Lmao, why the fuck would anyone waste time DDOS'ing you? The server got DDOS'd. And telling someone who 'DDOS'd' you to stop, and them calling them a nob, really isnt going help whatsoever.
He actually editted it And removed the nob :laughcry: :laughcry:

I think THE age on The forum doesn't match with your IRL age

@Frank it is my mobile autocorrection :laughcry:, can't seem to get rid of it and i don't want to turn it off
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Telling them to stop wont do jack shit just hope you know that.and why the fuck would you post it here
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But if you get super BT fibre optic, anti DDoS, AMOLED, quad HD screen with 5000 Pixels-Per-Inch and speeds so fast that it'll probably cause another Tsunami then you'll still probably get DDoSed.