So recently rain dancing has been a hot discussion for everyone and is thrown around all the time. Its very annoying since there is next to no clarification anywhere about it. So i'd like to start the discussion here and get other members and staffs opinion on this.
My impression is that rain dancing is when you rapidly tap A + D to achieve a "dance" to avoid bullets. It looks very unrealistic hence why it isn't allowed.
Then theirs strafing left and right, which can be done very easily irl.
My pov:
When i asked different staff members i got different responses, which got me even more confused.
My impression is that rain dancing is when you rapidly tap A + D to achieve a "dance" to avoid bullets. It looks very unrealistic hence why it isn't allowed.

Then theirs strafing left and right, which can be done very easily irl.

My pov:

When i asked different staff members i got different responses, which got me even more confused.