Is this rain dancing?

Is this rain dancing?

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So recently rain dancing has been a hot discussion for everyone and is thrown around all the time. Its very annoying since there is next to no clarification anywhere about it. So i'd like to start the discussion here and get other members and staffs opinion on this.
My impression is that rain dancing is when you rapidly tap A + D to achieve a "dance" to avoid bullets. It looks very unrealistic hence why it isn't allowed.

Then theirs strafing left and right, which can be done very easily irl.

My pov:

When i asked different staff members i got different responses, which got me even more confused.​
Shift with A + D is raindance. A + D with no shift isnt raindance. I think there should be some exceptions to this since u can continuously do it.
Rain dancing sucks i know. However i think its pointless to strictly forbid it. Its almost impossible to enforce players to not rain dance since like everyone is doing it. Its a way of playing the game and tbh i dont think you should players forbid to play like they have been doing for years. It will only create unhappiness.

Good solution would be to heavily increase recoil and accuracy while rain dancing, but please @MrLewis do not forbid it.
It isn't possible to state where you draw the line with unrealistic movements; rain-dancing is just one form of movement that is looked down upon because the server is meant to reflect real life with it's role-play. I had an accepted AR on me for unrealistic movement when I jumped in a firefight in reaction to someone pulling a firearm. It's not game-friendly to ban all unrealistic movement because the game's movement engine isn't really realistic in itself.
eh, its a part of the game and seems to me like people just like to cry when they loose when they can do the exact same thing. Ok, i get that the bullets shouldn't be as accurate as they are when you strafe but i don't think this a player fault, or atleast shouldn't be. Strafing is a valid option on almost every FPS game, garrys mod included. But, it's just that in alot of these games, like csgo, your weapon accuracy will decrease if you strafe a ton or move really quickly, making you harder to hit but your target harder to hit too.

TLDR; if you don't want it to be a function of the game then make it so it isn't. I'm not a developer so i don't know how hard it is but an educated guess tells me it's not important.

And a side note, can anyone find anyone at all accept me that has an actual written warning for doing this lol
I've had the same question a shit ton of times as well because i feel that the rule is very vague. Also it is very natural for a lot of players within our community to raindance because almost everyone does it in any other FPS game. I have asked the staff team multiple times about this and got aswell multiple different responses but what i can make up raindancing is : ''Strafing left and right in order to manage recoil and dodge bullets in an unrealistic way'' But you're allowed to strafe left and right i believe as long as it is not excessive.

This might be helpful :
@Racxes ty for showing me this :)
This is considerd raindancing