Olsen Drama

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The problem with describing Olsen as a single unit instead of viewing it as individual members is also a part of the problem. Most people here generalize Olsen as being a singular cesspool where literally all of the members in the org are out to do a #phrevolution2.0..
Not gonna lie I agree with imperial here as it is effecting every member of Olsen as being toxic instead of just the members that have been banned. To say 'he is the leader' is slightly unfair as i don't think he should have to track every members behaviour which then when they are banned falls back onto him. There is members still in Olsen i am cool with and don't act toxic at all so the name of 'olsen' being called toxic is unjustifiable. Yes he is the leader and other members played with the banned players, however does not mean the whole org should get the bad rep.


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the crematorium

jokes on you guys i was right all along

next time everyone just needs to eat a snickers and chill like

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Im only mad at this the fact no one defended me in my perma, looool unbanned from a year now anyway, love this community!
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By the sounds of it, The CWB'd crew got lucky that @Fredy didnt call the authorities, Because I know for a fact that if he did, all the UK Members who partook in this cancer could get their internet capped.

Sorry about reacting to this so negatively before @Fredy, now you've cleared it up, I can safely say that they're better off gone.
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By the sounds of it, The CWB'd crew got lucky that @Fredy didnt call the authorities, Because I know for a fact that if he did, all the UK Members who partook in this cancer could get their internet capped.

Sorry about reacting to this so negatively before @Fredy, now you've cleared it up, I can safely say that they're better off gone.

- 911, whats your emergency?
~ Olsen Banden the organisation from my garrys mod community called Perpheads are mad because I banned them and I require you to help me
- Understandable assigning the SWAT uni-
~ No sorry that won't work send the army, they wear orange suits
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You seem like you're swaying toward Olsen, most likely because you were in it, despite the fact that over the last few months they've contributed to nothing more than breaking the rules, and ruining peoples time in this community. Do you really think Fredy would step in if this wasn't a huge problem? The staff team is sick of dealing with constant reports of the same situations, with the same people. We're sick of people spreading their toxic attitudes when they don't get their own way, and whining that the staff team is out to get them so form a rebellion against them until someone notices them. People like this are the definition of childish, and the backlash of this entire situation has proven what little respect any of the people who were banned have for this community.

This community did fine without this group of people, we'll do fine without them again - If you can even hold a single ounce of sympathy for them, after they've actively tormented specific members of our community, then maybe you're a part of the issue too.
Here’s the thing tho. At no point did I side with what they did and claim that they didn’t deserve the punishment they got. I’m fine with that and I’m sure most of the people who got banned expected it to happened sooner or later. But ask yourself, why did they do this? Surely it wouldn’t make sense to just go “rogue” all of a sudden for no reason? So what was the point of this?

They were fighting against the corruption in both the staff team and the PLPD and there’s no denying that this corruption exists. They were sick of watching AR’s based on pure salt getting accepted. Of course they didn’t fight for it in the best way, instead it made things much worse, but that doesn’t change the fact that this corruption still continues. So yea maybe what they did was “cancerous” but it was all so they could get rid of the corruption and salt this community has come to. Again, I don’t side with what they did because it only made things worse, but when you tell me there’s no corruption whatsoever and that the community is the same as it was a year ago. That is complete bullshit.

TLDR; don’t just call them cancerous and move on, try and fix the community plz thx

Still a game btw so no need for “drama” lol
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Here’s the thing tho. At no point did I side with what they did [...]. But ask yourself, why did they do this? Surely it wouldn’t make sense to just go “rogue” all of a sudden for no reason? So what was the point of this?
You can't claim that you aren't siding with them and in the next sentence try and justify what they did. Think about what you are saying, you think that they just couldn't stop themselves being toxic, harassing staff members IRL, spamming the forums, etc. because the community made them do it. Are you fucking serious?

They were sick of watching AR’s based on pure salt getting accepted.
Yes and clearly the answer to that instead of bringing up some discussion is spamming the forums with even more petty ARs, I see your logic there. And clearly all of those ARs were always completely invalid, and there's absolutely no rulebreaking going on with you.

Of course they didn’t fight for it in the best way, instead it made things much worse, but that doesn’t change the fact that this corruption still continues.
I am fucking disgusted by this statement. You can hide behind the "I DON'T CONDONE THIS ACTION, BUT" all you want, the fact is that you are actively defending them. You clearly don't give a single shit about what they did because this was happening in your org and with your friends. But at the same time you claim that you carry none of the blame?
I'm gonna be honest with you here Fasool. Your statements here clearly showed me that you are not worth being in my community. I don't want people who apologize for this sort of behaviour and it sickens me especially that this is coming from an ex staff member. If it was only up to me you'd be banned because YOU are clearly also part of the problem.


Professional Stripper
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It's just a game. The only reason people come here is to enjoy their free time. Obviously most people don't like conflict but sometimes it's inevitable just because of how people are.

The only thing that makes this community as good as it is, is the people inside of it. If you take the people away, you are left with nothing. Personally, I'm glad to have met every player that I've come across on the server and hope to meet a lot more characters.

Members of Olsen turned against the staff team a couple of moths ago which was obvious by things thst were said in the shoutbox and it's taken until now for the staff team to fully turn on them and for Fredy to go full "no russian".

As much as I say I'm sad to lose some friends and am gutted that they are now Community Wide Banned. That does not justify anything that they have done previously. Obviously there's two sides and most people have only taken to account that their friends have been banned even though they are even not involved in the situation thats happened previously, yet choose to become involved .

This isn't the first time this has happened considering what happened with Chrissy, Jeffercake and Murtsley. I hope this doesnt become an annual thing.
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South Wales, United Kingdom
Honestly, I'm disgusted with this behaviour and disappointed with those who has attempted to defend it. It's an absolute shame that there's people who ruin this extremely friendly community and consistently go out of their way to cause trouble within it. It's sad that they feel they can harass a member of this community not knowing the mental consequences that can have on the person. And those condoning such behaviour in my eyes are just as bad as the ones who do it.

I'm happy that these people has been removed from this community as nobody in this community deserves to see such behaviour and experience online harassment. Big thanks to @Fredy for not condoning such atrocious behaviour.
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You can't claim that you aren't siding with them and in the next sentence try and justify what they did. Think about what you are saying, you think that they just couldn't stop themselves being toxic, harassing staff members IRL, spamming the forums, etc. because the community made them do it. Are you fucking serious?

Yes and clearly the answer to that instead of bringing up some discussion is spamming the forums with even more petty ARs, I see your logic there. And clearly all of those ARs were always completely invalid, and there's absolutely no rulebreaking going on with you.

I am fucking disgusted by this statement. You can hide behind the "I DON'T CONDONE THIS ACTION, BUT" all you want, the fact is that you are actively defending them. You clearly don't give a single shit about what they did because this was happening in your org and with your friends. But at the same time you claim that you carry none of the blame?
I'm gonna be honest with you here Fasool. Your statements here clearly showed me that you are not worth being in my community. I don't want people who apologize for this sort of behaviour and it sickens me especially that this is coming from an ex staff member. If it was only up to me you'd be banned because YOU are clearly also part of the problem.
I'm not defending shit and if I were I wouldn't hide it... literally the whole point of that post was to state that what happened has happened but I still believe there is some corruption that needs to be fixed. You think I give a fuck about who the next guy to get perma banned is? They are online friends yes, but that doesn't mean I support what they did. I agree they deserved the punishment and I know you did what you had to do. I even told you I didn't disagree with the bans in the previous post yet you still somehow claim I'm siding with them. Perhaps I just need to state it, what they did was not at all justifiable and they shouldn't have done it. Also when I stated there was a reason for all this, I didn't say that the reason justifies their actions when they got your IRL number along with a staff member's relative. I still think that's too far and so do many other members of Olsen
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Fredy has displayed a true passion for the community in which he creates in this one thread. You can't for a second deny that he is right for what he has done, even whilst being mates with the perpetrators. Sure, I am not going to deny I'm gonna miss seeing some of the lads around the server, but for what they did, I can say it was for the greater good.

They were fighting against the corruption in both the staff team and the PLPD and there’s no denying that this corruption exists. They were sick of watching AR’s based on pure salt getting accepted.

If someone was negatively affected by the actions of another player and said players total disregard / ignorance to the server rules, They should report it. Sure, you can say it's just "Salt" But at the end of the day, its what AR's are for. As an ex staff member, you really should know that the whole point of the AR section is to report situations in which rules were broken and other players were negatively affected. Christ, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to poke holes in this statement, I've never been staff and I have the collective IQ Of a fucking pot noodle, yet I can firmly grasp the concept of AR's.
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United Kingdom
i personally believe that fredy is our lord and saviour and i agree with all actions taken by the staff team fully.

sry guys dont want to be banned innit
plus they were mostly all very toxic im calling taylor and dai to be next!!

fredy my lord thank you for the agree i will now sacrifice myself for the community
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Deleted member 6228

Hey guys if you support the people in orange your going to get a cw ban, watch out as fredy continues his rampage
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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
The worst part however is that they then proceeded to find personal details of staff members
This is still happening by the way, @roxie forgot to lock his team spreadsheet for the CS:GO tournament so everyone had edit access as anonymous users. I deleted everything and locked it completly so @roxie can fix the spreadsheet by undoing the edits but please, if you know who does this or if it's any of you that are reading this that did it I'll just let you know that there is no point of doing this and it's just getting real sad (the person that was 'leaked' is actually quite handsome, so I'm not sure what's wrong with that
). Keep the information you find to yourself and stop being creeps just because you got banned from some community.


I think my signature sums this up perfectly.
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