It's been a long journey, but I bid you farewell my friends.

Here is a deep quote;

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."

~ Edgar Allan Poe

I'll never forget the Belinsky times. It's because of how good the Belinsky times were that I don't really find it fun at all to play on the server anymore, the feeling will never come back.

Back-a-day I remember what we used to do, we literally took down anyone and anything with no problem, if there was a problem me or you would be the first there with an AK47 dealing with the situation... those were the fucking days, when we could honestly say we ran Paralake, even the police were scared of the Belinsky's.

Good luck in your future bruh.
Little late, never RPed with you but you seem like a great guy, go kick some terrorist asses!

I'm going to have to send you one of my certified puddings too your base at some point. Gonna miss you SGT Skid xo