It's been good

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After almost 3 years here it is, my resignation post. I never liked the long drama filled leaving posts so I won't be making one, in-fact I have nothing but fond feelings towards the community and the staff team so I would love to say my goodbyes without any toxicity or bad feelings and leave you all on good terms. I do however feel that something that played such a big role in my life deserves more than a single paragraph.

As some of you may know I’ve just started University and moved out, even though this changes the amount of time I have to give toward the community nothing is really stopping me from retaining my rank as I’m sure I could spare a few hours here and there. However it’s not time that’s the issue it’s dedication, or rather the lack of it. I’m sure you’ve all noticed it lately and I can do nothing but apologise. I always told myself that the day my role would become a chore, burden or just overall unpleasant I would no longer do it, and it’s with a heavy heart that I say this is the case. I would hate to linger around not giving the effort the role deserves when there are plenty of individuals who deserve the role and would love the opportunity.

There’s an endless amount of people who I could mention that have made my time here enjoyable and made it all worth it, some people I can genuinely call personal friends now and some others that just made my role easier by being excellent staff members. They all know who they are so I won’t start tagging them all. There is however one individual that deserves a special message and my personal gratitude. @Bolli.

Bolli is an imperative member of the staff team and I feel that he is often severely undervalued, people slam him for not being involved or not giving enough dedication toward the server way too often. Having worked side by side with him for 2 years I can tell you with certainty that Bolli does a great deal for the server behind the scenes and can honestly say there’s no one I would have prefered to share my duties with.

I’ll pop by every now and then, rest assured this isn’t goodbye, but thank you all for the excellent times and endless hours of enjoyment you’ve given me. I’ll see you later, skaters.
No , no no! Moron , you've been a hella nice guy to all of us in the community , and I'm sure ALL OF us are sad to see you go :( Good luck man and enjoy what your going to do in the future!
Knew this was bound to happen with you being stuck in your boring lectures lmao :D

Good luck man and you have done this community some good.
Sad to see you go Moron, you were a great senior admin and put lots of effort into the community. Good luck with your future!
Thank christ, no more senior administration.
Now I can make the corrupt staff team abuse their powers specifically to benefit me
but nah cya the only person i can talk welsh to except for @ceriedwardsx
will miss you you moron carrot baby
Sad to see you go @MoronPipllyd! I'm ever so glad you came with me to join PERPHeads and made it this far. You definitely helped shape the staff team and it will truly be a noticeable difference without you. Best of luck at university!
Moron, damn. You've been here as long as I can remember lol, you've been brilliant in the community and always did your best to satisfy the staff team and community. Wish you the best :)
Thanks for the endless amounts of effort you placed into the staff team Moron, catch you on the flip-side mate ;)

You have done amazing things in this community. Your work is forever apprechiated. Good luck in your future. You'll be missed.
Bye welshman, I will hopefully still talk to you every now and then.

Atleast you didn't go down with your rank xd
Shame to see you go, when you were active you were honestly such an excellent overlord senior admin for the team, and it was a pleasure having you in the team!

Thank you for everything, good luck with university and life!

Moron out, Bean Can in :booty:
3 years of staff 3 years of having me as mod, the day you Quit i get admin? Illuminati confirmed.

Anyways Moron it's been great having you, i Hope your studies go Well and just keep doing what you're doing
Thanks for being a friendly geezer and all, you were amazing at your role during the times you weren't actually busy, good luck.
Lest we forget

No, but to be honest Moron you have been a person I have been looking up to you since I first became staff, and I'm still grateful for everything you have made me able to become.