It's been great!

I am not rude, you fag :(

bye bye. I didn't know you, but you seem to be a great guy. Don't die in the next 5 years <3
Seriously going to miss you Bishop, you were a decent person who'd help anyone, good luck!

I did notice that you were getting bored however, so I think these 4 weeks will do you some good! Maybe add me on steam and we can play some CS:GO or Rust? OR even the same game, GMod :P
rip in fgt 2k15. y u do dis to me?

Seriously though John, it's sad to see you go like I will miss calling you a fgt everyday and hearing your dank black irish voice through the mic. ly bby xoxo

But seriously though, I hope you return, so this racist grandpa can continue calling you dumbass. Otherwise, I wish you luck in any future endeavours, though I'll most likely still chat with you.