Jamal Brawl, Shi Lin.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Elvy Safirsdottir.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jamal Brawl, Shi Lin.
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:7401170 / STEAM_0:0:382306
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 2.1, took out a gun, started shooting me when I pushed and insulted them at the Suburbs.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: No tick.

just want to tell me my best friend GraveDinosaur dealt with the situation, I'd kiss him.


Story; I was in the Suburbs and these guys came up so we insulted them. Then they insulted us back and we got into a '' conflict '' they kept on insulting and insulting, saying stuff so we did too. Then they said they were going to leave, afterwards saying more mean stuff to us so I kept on following them, wanting to know why they said that stuff and they kept on going at it. They didn't stop ( so did I ), and then this guy, Jamal took his gun out and if you hear closely you can hear the first shot fired directly zooming past my head hitting the wall all the way at the Subs, and you can see a small recoil coming from the gun, and as he proceeded to shoot at me I took the chance to shoot at him, and his friend.
Everything I see in the evidence is everything we talked about in the admin sit, remind me why you made this action request? Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you've broken 3.4 in the videos you uploaded?
Grave said I should make an action request on the two, so I did. And there were both two different stories from me and them and the person that'd lied would have a doubled ban.

He said he couldn't do very much cause of different stories.
When I arrived on the roof the talk with the people involved there were two different stories.

They both said that evnionic and his friends came over to Jamal brawl and Shi-lin and started to verbally insult them both. At this point, Shi-lin said that Evnionic pushed and punched them and continue to harras them by following. Evnionic Denies punching them but did say he pushed them after calling the person a whore. Or something along that line.

Further into the situation, I was getting nowhere on getting one matching story so I continued to question. I was then told that Jamal brawl pulled a gun out then telling me that Evnionic pulled out a gun under gunpoint. Looking at the video I can see Jamal brawl pull out his gun and aim it towards Evnionic. Envionic then pulled out a gun. It looks like he did shoot at 1:12 on the second video. I did hear a shot fly past you and you pulled out your gun for the second shot.

I can't be sure of this since I can't hear the gun being fired but can hear the bullet land. And I can only see recoil on Jamal's weapon.
We were harassing each other and it got physical; we told them to stop following us and she still did. We called her a whore or something and she came back. I was looking at suburbs storage at the car and by the time I turned around everyone had a weapon out and then I pulled mine out and tried to defend myself/jamal

And then on the roof you started to lie about me doing stuff that actually never happened. I tried to keep myself from not interrupting, but damn I hate liars. I don't know exactly what you lied about but you said I hit you multiple times and that I took a gun out on gunpoint and threatened you which I never did.
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