Jay_ breaking rule 3.4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: The Omega/Oliver Mohammad

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jay_/Jay Henderson

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55622030

Why Should This Player Be Punished: This guy was detained for tresspassing a crimescene and not cooperating, I was actually on my way to put him to jail, because he was really not cooperative at all or anything, until I got a message we got flanked, I had to stop dragging him and help the other officers. When I stopped dragging him he immediatly decided to run off, we tried to catch him, but we had to have our gun out, because we didn't know if the flankers still were there even though nobody was shooting at that moment, when we got over there we got shot at, and apparently Jay_ was also shot between the crossfire, I don't know if he got killed or just shot, but I know he got shot between the shooting and breaking rule 3.4

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: From the beginning
I didn't know there were people behind gas station I was bleeding and running away. You never told me you had me at gun point until I was at the gas station which I then complied. It just happened to be that there were people with guns there.
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