Joey's Enforcer Application

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Nottingham, England
STEAM NAME: ShadowJoey

IN-GAME NAME: Zovetta Aren

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:52628136

AGE: 17



About me:

For those who don't know me, my name is Joey and I have been in the community for around 3 and a half years now. I was previously staff for around 8 months until June this year. I am a part of the Police Department as patrol command and also have done some minor bug testing over the years.

I have one ban (one year ago) and six warnings (coming up to 3 years ago) on record. These were mostly from my early days of PERP, before I took it seriously and the ban was genuinely me treating PERP like a combat sim whilst on duty as cop - I shot a user through a wall because I saw his gun poke through it.

Why I'm applying:
I enjoy helping people, in the community, and have really enjoyed my previous time as staff so I really wanted to be a part of it again. There was a lack of trust between the senior administration team and myself since June but I have done my best to rectify this and hope that they see that I am ready to rejoin the staff team. I enjoy PERP and want to help again.

Responses to frequent criticism:

You only go on duty as cop; you don't understand how it works
I enjoy police RP more than civilian RP, this does not mean that I have countless hours as a criminal, understanding this side of RP and the rules surrounding it.
You apply too much, they'll just accept you because pity sooner or later
I actively try and receive feedback every time I'm denied and act on this, if I feel I have changed, I'll apply. They will not accept people out of pity.​

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: Yes, pretty much every day.

I hope that people can trust me again and see how I'm actually caring about helping the community. I apologise to those who I've pissed off in the past but I have changed my attitude massively over the past few months and hope you can see this.
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Joey, you were one of the "main to go to guys" for me when I was still active, you can be a bit harsh sometimes to people but I know that your main intentions are friendly and helpful.

you have helped me improve as a person and as an online character when I asked for it.

You know rules and laws and you are a genuinely fun guy to hang around with.
dont know if i am still allowed to but
I completely support this application.

Best of luck!

p.s we need more drunk serenades man.
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United Kingdom, Southampton
Joey i like you and everything, but i think you're mean to take the improvements that you got when they denied your last application and take them into consideration. As i've stated before you make so many bloody enforcer apps it makes you look so desperate. I think you should've waited longer before making another one.

However, with that being said he's a very nice lad, can take a joke...always friendly.

Im going to stay -neutral
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First of all I'll start of with the short answer, I think Joey is more than deserving of this position.

And now for the longer answer. From what I can see Joey took on board previous criticism and has applied it. Take for example the following,


Obviously Joey's application now is no longer "the same old" application.

I believe Joey has improved his attitude in-game. (From what I have seen) Joey is still reporting people on the forums, not sure about in-game. Joey is also helping the community even if its just guides, take for example is "Bypassing the need for Gyazo"

Even although Joey had his, how shall I put it "Stupid Moment" I believe he has redeemed himself and deserves another chance.

Good luck Joey!
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+support innit, great guy, was a great mod before, understanding lad.


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Alright, where do I begin

Ok, so your application overall. Under the section Why do you want to be Enforcer?: The question is Why do you want to be Enforcer?: and you went ahead and wrote something totally different than the question. For that question, you've written 3 lines and which I don't think is 1. enough to even get enforcer and 2. not enough effort for someone that actually wants to become an Enforcer. I can also say that you've literally wrote nothing about Why do you want to become enforcer and just chat random stuff and missed the entire question...

I find that you can get very frustrated in sits from my point of view. I also find you to take criticism and things that people actually leave you to help you improve in a bad way, and you also apply so many times. You should take some time off to improve when you got denied to see if you can improve again! And to be honest I find that when you get staff you'll last for a month and then resign and then 2 weeks later make another application. I don't see why'd you resign from your latest Moderator Position and then re apply now? It honestly makes no sense for me..

But overall I'm not going to be supporting your application because for one you've honestly put no effort into this application and look in the past, successful people and the ones that put in a lot of dedication into there work and you sir have not and have just talked about non-related stuff in your application... Well some stuff is related but others there is literally no point. Also that you get too frustrated and angry within sits which I find is not really good for staff members because you'll be getting a lot of reports and possibly giving off a bad impression to the new players of perp heads.


After hanging around with ShadowJoey a bit more and actually getting to know him. I've completley changed my opinion on him. The sentences above was my past opionion and view towards him and now they've changed +Support
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Zagreb, Croatia
You were a calm fellow, but I highly dislike the way you handled admin sits. You took me up to CH durring an active shoot-out to tell me I've broken a rule, but refused to warn me verbally or with warns. This made the sit absolutely pointless. If you dislike someone's actions and believe that they have broken a rule, punish them or dont punish them. Taking someone into an admin sit just to tell them they did something wrong and then putting them back where they were is pointless and can be solved with a simple gawd stick notification or via OOC chat.

Best of luck anyways.

Little effort put into application, makes you look a bit cocky. Don't overestimate your abilities, Joey.
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In a Tree
Im going to put my input in this.
So far i've only had either 1 or 2 interactions with you when in an admin sit. The first admin sit was when i was still fairly new and at the end received a warning for "3.4 - Gunpointed an officer over his mate getting a ticket. He didn't know the whole situation just assumed that his friend was being arrested when coming back from being AFK"

I've felt that in that situation that you came to conclusions very fast and almost didn't even listened why i've done that. I've said that we raided someone then i come back from being afk and see my friend in cuffs. Thats why i decided to gunpoint the officer. However im not saying my actions were right, how ever i never intended to. After that i had received my punishment the admin sit was over quite fast. In my opinion i believed that you did not keep in mind that i was fairly new and only had good intentions. You never fully explained why my actions were wrong and why i broke 3.4. After the situation i had to figure out why exactly i broke 3.4. I assumed that we were getting pulled over for the raid we've done due my friends being in cuffs out of the vehicle already after comming back from afk. But my assumption was wrong and led to my warning which is alright.

But of course, this warning is quite old and i've learned from it. I do not fully know how you've handled situations after that so im going to stay neutral. You seem like a decent lad but i can't fully judge the way you handle admin sits due me only having 1 or 2 with you.


Professional Stripper
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From previous experience with Joey as a staff member, he always dealt with reports to a very high standard and frequently due to his activity on the server. People have always questioned your attitude, but I feel this wasn't a problem when you previously had the role. Leaving that as it is, I still feel more effort needs to be shown by yourself to show that you have the right attitude to be a member of the staff team, as that's the main thing holding you back and always has from becoming staff until you were given the chance.

Either way I +support the application due to the dedication and good work you previously did as a staff member ... even if you banned all my friends :(
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