Jordan's Resignation Post


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Jordan's Resignation Post


Why hello there guys, I hope everyone is doing well. Here's a quote from the Staff only forum section that I posted a week or so ago, which explains a lot.

Hey there guys, I hope everyone is well! Congratulations to all the various promotions that have been handed out during my time away!

So, moving onto my point, I can't stress how sorry I am for my terrible activity, there is a reason behind it! I'll throw down some of my excuses: Over the summer holidays I was working full time, only having 1-2 days off a week, which left me with no time to come on. Secondly, as some of you may know, I'm involved in quite a lot of volunteer work with the police and ambulance service, as well as that I've taken on another volunteer role in the police. I've also started driving, I'm doing around 4 hours of driving lessons a week. Now, I've started college again and I have a few resits booked for January which has taken away even more time!

Adding all of the above up, it's left me with no time to dedicate to the community which has made me feel awful. Now, I'm honestly not too sure how to go from here, maybe I'll have to sit down during the week and see if there is any way at all I will be able to manage my time. All I can say is that my current activity is unacceptable which I'm sure many of you have picked up on.

During this week I'll be conversing with @Bolli and @MoronPipllyd and giving them some of my forum tasks while I work this out. All I can say is that if I can't find a way to dedicate any time to my administration duties, I will have to step down as a staff member which unfortunately seems to be unavoidable.

I'll most certainly be updating you all as soon as! Didn't proof read this sorry not sorry :swiper:


As mentioned in the quote, I simply have lost a lot of free time due to work, school and volunteer work. It's left me with not a lot of time to be able to dedicate to the community as a staff member which is incredibly annoying! Now, there is no need to cry! I will not be leaving the community, I'll just be playing here as a regular user and possibly be helping out with various tasks round the community!

As usual for every sad post like this, I need to say a thanks! First of all it has to go to the community, you've all been absolutely brilliant and you've made my time as a staff member thoroughly enjoyable! There are many notable members which hopefully I'll be able to stay in contact with! Secondly, the staff team, It's changed absolutely drastically since I joined in February 2014, all I can say is that I hope it changed for the best and thanks to Bolli and Moron for standing beside me! Thank you to each and every staff member we've had and thank you for your co-operation!​

There are a few things I need to do then I'll be having my rank removed at some point tonight/tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and I hope you understand my reasoning! Hopefully I'll see many of you in-game or even on Team Speak!
You are one of the best members of staff,
This post was what I didn't want to see,
Anyway I see our reasoning,
Good luck to your future,
I hope to see you in game

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Nooo, so sad to see you leave, you have honestly had a massive impact on me while being staff, I doubt I would be staff without you. I wish you the best with your Police and Ambulance voluntary. :D
Going to miss seeing your bright orange name everywhere :( Still at least you're not 100% fully leaving. You've been great, with everything, especially police supervisors and what not <3
When Ash sent me on steam that you resigned.. I actually said this IRL.:
Jordan, hate to see you go, but I hope you go well in your work. You are a very dedicated staff, and I really hope you come back someday.

You will never be forgotten ;(
Sad to see you resign from your position, I will always thank you for donating to me for my mini cooper 1965. Plez no resignerino
It really is a shame to see you leave the staff team, you are an excellent senior administrator, and along with that an excellent role model when it comes to being a staff member. I wish you luck for you future, and hope to speak to you every now and again.

Maybe some more vids at cinema 'rp' ;)
From Rust, to Arma to perp and even being accepting me for Enforcer. I have known you for a while and although not as long as some people have, you have been a great senior admin and a great friend. I wish you the best with school, driving, SJA and anything else you might do. Goodbye frund.

Hey @Alex_:D a senior admin slot just opened up. :kappa:
Your time to shine, @Alex_:D :kappa:

Thank you so much for the time you've spent here, Jordan! Ever since I met you way back in CBC with you as the dank Co-Owner (ayylmao, rip Ruben and Excl) I knew that you were a great lad. Good luck in your future and don't go too much brumm with the SJA squad :swiper:
Sad to see you resign but we all understand your situation. Good luck with your work and school!

ps. dont make ash senior
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Jordan you are a brilliant staff member and it's really sad to see you resign but I'm glad you are not leaving the community, good luck with life and stuff.
No one worked harder and longer than you in the staff team. Honestly your dedication to the server and its players was is very admirable. I remember you from MMC and you were dedicated to that. Honestly, I hope to god that you succeed in your exams and that your volunteering work is so dench that it makes my UCAS form look like my report counter for most of my time as a staff member (Really bad).

Honestly, I'll remember the good times that we've had (#RowdyLads | /me throws Lambrini bottle), and many shitfests with Moron, especially me trying to do reports while pissed out of my mind, and then you giving me the Helper rank (At least I think it was you...) Anyway.

All the best buddy!
I must be seeing things you have RESIGNED. Now you made me sad :( well I wish you the best of luck mate and im sure if you ever wanted to come back to the staff team you would be welcomed with open arms by me and the full staff team :)