Junior Member?

Reaction score
Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Someone told me That i have to post on threads to get Junior Member and i have about 45-50 posts. I saw someone with 30-40 posts and he was a Junior Member. So my question is how do i become a Junior Member on the forums?
Every trophy you gain increases your points when they reach a point then you will be awarded Junior Member.

You can earn trophies in the following ways.

Ammount of posts
Ammount of likes
Winning server events on perp
If the staff want to credit you for your rp.
Upon the launch of Xenforo, I made the system so it counts your trophy points instead of your post count; I felt that it would stop people from post whoring so much and make them actually do other stuff to contribute towards the rank.

You can view https://perpheads.com/threads/trophy-system-forums.2875/ to see what you need to do and how many points you need to get to have a certain user rank.

Hope this helped.
God knows how I got it. I think I joined this forum back in July but never used my original forum account then got it :)