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ROLEPLAY NAME: Kevin Jakobsen

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:63148949

AGE: 26

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I know when people don't get treated equal, they act up, that's why im here to keep the city clean from cheaters and negative people from ruing others experience,
I am daily on the server, I am recording with medal just to make sure to make sure the people or I don't make stupid mistakes.
I like to be in town and help my friends and those who are in trouble, I help my friends keep it cool and make them chill even after we lost items after a raid.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I help people, i advice people, i dont like seeing breaking the rules, my record of broken rules has been learned from my punishments, I take everything more serious after my life has been cleaned up. I do know i still have to control my temper when people break the rules infront of me. I have been after all been reading the rules throgh every week and I am updated.
Even if I become a staff member, I will still keep my personality and solve problems without breaking character. There is no way I am getting into trouble again after all my times, I have worked as medic, firefighter and police officer, but I do prefer to keep my family running in town as always.
My daily rutine is wake up, get on perp and chill my day out with my friends that are in town, so I am very active, I am going though a new lifestyle that makes me more aware of my actions. Most my time in perp i am at bazar crafting and looking around, or like to be in my property and try to be creative with my building skills.

I have done alot of coding and lua development, I stop doing coding since it was to stressful for me, i had a community for a long time ago, but I was the only one working on the servers without any others experience of working in lua.
I would love to see my road and travel through the city to become even more experienced, i know my record and I do believe you guys do aswell, but i would love to give this a big shot!

You can contact me on discord if you got any questions, or write them below.
Discord: JuzzDK
Reaction score
Sheffield United Kingdom

ROLEPLAY NAME: Kevin Jakobsen

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:63148949

AGE: 26

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I know when people don't get treated equal, they act up, that's why im here to keep the city clean from cheaters and negative people from ruing others experience,
I am daily on the server, I am recording with medal just to make sure to make sure the people or I don't make stupid mistakes.
I like to be in town and help my friends and those who are in trouble, I help my friends keep it cool and make them chill even after we lost items after a raid.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I help people, i advice people, i dont like seeing breaking the rules, my record of broken rules has been learned from my punishments, I take everything more serious after my life has been cleaned up. I do know i still have to control my temper when people break the rules infront of me. I have been after all been reading the rules throgh every week and I am updated.
Even if I become a staff member, I will still keep my personality and solve problems without breaking character. There is no way I am getting into trouble again after all my times, I have worked as medic, firefighter and police officer, but I do prefer to keep my family running in town as always.
My daily rutine is wake up, get on perp and chill my day out with my friends that are in town, so I am very active, I am going though a new lifestyle that makes me more aware of my actions. Most my time in perp i am at bazar crafting and looking around, or like to be in my property and try to be creative with my building skills.

I have done alot of coding and lua development, I stop doing coding since it was to stressful for me, i had a community for a long time ago, but I was the only one working on the servers without any others experience of working in lua.
I would love to see my road and travel through the city to become even more experienced, i know my record and I do believe you guys do aswell, but i would love to give this a big shot!

You can contact me on discord if you got any questions, or write them below.
Discord: JuzzDK
+1 He is an excellent and surprisingly a very kind guy. He is very helpful and a great worker at Vaultcorp XD but besides the vaultcorp thing I think he deserves this role.
Reaction score

ROLEPLAY NAME: Kevin Jakobsen

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:63148949

AGE: 26

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I know when people don't get treated equal, they act up, that's why im here to keep the city clean from cheaters and negative people from ruing others experience,
I am daily on the server, I am recording with medal just to make sure to make sure the people or I don't make stupid mistakes.
I like to be in town and help my friends and those who are in trouble, I help my friends keep it cool and make them chill even after we lost items after a raid.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I help people, i advice people, i dont like seeing breaking the rules, my record of broken rules has been learned from my punishments, I take everything more serious after my life has been cleaned up. I do know i still have to control my temper when people break the rules infront of me. I have been after all been reading the rules throgh every week and I am updated.
Even if I become a staff member, I will still keep my personality and solve problems without breaking character. There is no way I am getting into trouble again after all my times, I have worked as medic, firefighter and police officer, but I do prefer to keep my family running in town as always.
My daily rutine is wake up, get on perp and chill my day out with my friends that are in town, so I am very active, I am going though a new lifestyle that makes me more aware of my actions. Most my time in perp i am at bazar crafting and looking around, or like to be in my property and try to be creative with my building skills.

I have done alot of coding and lua development, I stop doing coding since it was to stressful for me, i had a community for a long time ago, but I was the only one working on the servers without any others experience of working in lua.
I would love to see my road and travel through the city to become even more experienced, i know my record and I do believe you guys do aswell, but i would love to give this a big shot!

You can contact me on discord if you got any questions, or write them below.
Discord: JuzzDK

ROLEPLAY NAME: Kevin Jakobsen

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:63148949

AGE: 26

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I know when people don't get treated equal, they act up, that's why im here to keep the city clean from cheaters and negative people from ruing others experience,
I am daily on the server, I am recording with medal just to make sure to make sure the people or I don't make stupid mistakes.
I like to be in town and help my friends and those who are in trouble, I help my friends keep it cool and make them chill even after we lost items after a raid.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I help people, i advice people, i dont like seeing breaking the rules, my record of broken rules has been learned from my punishments, I take everything more serious after my life has been cleaned up. I do know i still have to control my temper when people break the rules infront of me. I have been after all been reading the rules throgh every week and I am updated.
Even if I become a staff member, I will still keep my personality and solve problems without breaking character. There is no way I am getting into trouble again after all my times, I have worked as medic, firefighter and police officer, but I do prefer to keep my family running in town as always.
My daily rutine is wake up, get on perp and chill my day out with my friends that are in town, so I am very active, I am going though a new lifestyle that makes me more aware of my actions. Most my time in perp i am at bazar crafting and looking around, or like to be in my property and try to be creative with my building skills.

I have done alot of coding and lua development, I stop doing coding since it was to stressful for me, i had a community for a long time ago, but I was the only one working on the servers without any others experience of working in lua.
I would love to see my road and travel through the city to become even more experienced, i know my record and I do believe you guys do aswell, but i would love to give this a big shot!

You can contact me on discord if you got any questions, or write them below.
Discord: JuzzDK

Kevin I don't know if you remember me but that me the Danish boy Ibrahim we have played together. But I think he deserves it, he's nice and nice to talk to, but I don't know if he's good at helping ingame/discord have been banned for a long time. But what I remember about him is only good. +1 from me❤️
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PD Jail cells
WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I know when people don't get treated equal, they act up, that's why im here to keep the city clean from cheaters and negative people from ruing others experience,
Are you looking to get Enforcer?, dont think helpers can do much about cheaters and u cant ban people? anyways +rep he helps players and is very active :) :)
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Are you looking to get Enforcer?, dont think helpers can do much about cheaters and u cant ban people? anyways +rep he helps players and is very active :) :)
I want to help the people, let's see what the future brings us :)
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Contrary to all these positive replies, I don't support this application for simple reasons:

1) A helper is professional, respectful and understands the rules.

Juzz in my experience has not been professional and respectful OOC, nor has he proven that he understands the rules.

2) This application is done barely after the cooldown is up and I have not seen Juzz much on the server.



3) He has slandered me the moment I stood up for my self in a AR against a member of his organization, posting multiple replies falsely accusing me of a multitude of things in a malicious attempt to defame me and insert himself into a case that does not involve him whatsoever.
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Contrary to all these positive replies, I don't support this application for simple reasons:

1) A helper is professional, respectful and understands the rules.

Juzz in my experience has not been professional and respectful OOC, nor has he proven that he understands the rules.

2) This application is done barely after the cooldown is up and I have not seen Juzz much on the server.



3) He has slandered me the moment I stood up for my self in a AR against a member of his organization, posting multiple replies falsely accusing me of a multitude of things in a malicious attempt to defame me and insert himself into a case that does not involve him whatsoever.
Thanks for your reply. I want to say that I use more than 12 hours a day on the server, I do like to help my associates that is in trouble. My playtime is 5 months and 8 days. And I do believe that I am gonna spend the rest of my time here on perpheads :)

I know I havnt had the best attitude in OOC but most likely those times, it is because people treat others with no respect and I sadly bring myself into the conversation.

I do have learned the rules afterwards, since I don't want to get banned in the town again, I know my mistakes, and I have been getting much better. :)
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Firstly, and most importantly, 90% of the people who supported this application haven't even bothered reading through it, now let's see,

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I know when people don't get treated equal, they act up, that's why im here to keep the city clean from cheaters and negative people from ruing others experience
The purpose of the helper, is to help via help chat or finding new players, I fail to see the connection between this role and promoting equality or a cheat-free environment in the "city", the role barely has any perms. As a player, I too, could argue that I keep the server free from rulebreakers and cheaters daily, what I'm pointing out is that this is worded as if it's an extra thing, it's not

I have worked as medic, firefighter and police officer, but I do prefer to keep my family running in town as always.
While you mention that you have experience as a medic, firefighter, and police in the game, no elaboration on how these roles have prepared you for the helper position, so there is no clear summation of your problem-solving skills, conflict resolution

i know my record and I do believe you guys do aswell
15 bans, 19 visible warnings, 7 blacklists, the most concerning being the last one in April for strange OOC comments? Putting aside the prior punishments, considering that in the application it is stated that things are being treated more seriously now, and whilst I respect this, it would be helpful to see specific examples of how your behavior was changed and how you plan on avoiding breaking the rules in the future, displaying personal growth and integrity

The application should have been more thoroughly written out. It does not create an image to rally support and does not provide accountable information
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Malek's criticisms are legit but considering how Valentine got demoted I dunno, slander ask me.

+1 the few times I've seen Juzz he always seemed friendly, Not seen you much in Help chat though, could just be bad timing!
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Juzz you're a chill guy, but I don't think trying to be a goody two shoes fits you well. I've known you since I first joined perp and we are no saints my man... I think you should just keep doing what you're doing tbh, you can still help people without the helper role. You don't have to try and be in a staff position to prove you're worthy of helping anyone just do it. I think I can speak for everyone else leaving critical reviews that you aren't staff material, but you are however a goated player.
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Juzz you're a chill guy, but I don't think trying to be a goody two shoes fits you well. I've known you since I first joined perp and we are no saints my man... I think you should just keep doing what you're doing tbh, you can still help people without the helper role. You don't have to try and be in a staff position to prove you're worthy of helping anyone just do it. I think I can speak for everyone else leaving critical reviews that you aren't staff material, but you are however a goated player.
I love you are being honest bro, but I decided to be a different type of guy since I changed my lifestyle, and I can feel that I want to put an effort into this community :)
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He really is almost all day online and he really mean it with becoming a helper and keep the server going.
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Almost all of the ways you choose to conduct yourself in your own report video show exactly why you're not fit for any sort of status position:

There are numerous people clearly trying to minge about and push an evidently AFK player somewhere in order to mug them - in breach of 5.6, and you decide it appropriate to essentially assist them and report the person trying to help an AFK player without any prior context, forcing yourself into a situation you know nothing about leading you to be complicit to attempted rule breaches.

You then in your own video take the situation to LOOC essentially mocking the reported player for the F6 made and displaying great unprofessionalism. In the uncut part of your video - no clue why you left it in - you then decide to also just flame the responding cops in OOC unprompted? Your attitude throughout this situation is just terrible and entirely unbefitting of anyone applying for Helper - you present yourself with malicious, spiteful intent, and an inability to control your speech.

The presentation of intent in your conduct on the server makes me question whether or not you want Helper for the right reasons, because it seems to be more fitting that someone of your displayed character would want it purely for selfish reasons and not due to an eagerness to actually help.

Video's downloaded so no point in taking it down - you have yourself proven all of the reasons that a lot of people think you shouldn't be helper. You claim to have improved but no improvement is apparent whatsoever. You need to entirely re-evaluate your conduct before you would be fit for any form of rank.
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Almost all of the ways you choose to conduct yourself in your own report video show exactly why you're not fit for any sort of status position:

There are numerous people clearly trying to minge about and push an evidently AFK player somewhere in order to mug them - in breach of 5.6, and you decide it appropriate to essentially assist them and report the person trying to help an AFK player without any prior context, forcing yourself into a situation you know nothing about leading you to be complicit to attempted rule breaches.

You then in your own video take the situation to LOOC essentially mocking the reported player for the F6 made and displaying great unprofessionalism. In the uncut part of your video - no clue why you left it in - you then decide to also just flame the responding cops in OOC unprompted? Your attitude throughout this situation is just terrible and entirely unbefitting of anyone applying for Helper - you present yourself with malicious, spiteful intent, and an inability to control your speech.

The presentation of intent in your conduct on the server makes me question whether or not you want Helper for the right reasons, because it seems to be more fitting that someone of your displayed character would want it purely for selfish reasons and not due to an eagerness to actually help.

Video's downloaded so no point in taking it down - you have yourself proven all of the reasons that a lot of people think you shouldn't be helper. You claim to have improved but no improvement is apparent whatsoever. You need to entirely re-evaluate your conduct before you would be fit for any form of rank.
Why so mad man? You did it yourself. U never seen staff use LOOC to warn people about getting into trouble, I have
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Hey Juzz, I'd like to mention that my only experience with you has been really negative. You literally told me to kill myself earlier over an in-game encounter, I don't see how someone like this is fit for helper. Thanks for reading.

Also you decided to ignore gunpoint on the regals fire escape when ordered to unlock your door, saying "you can't force me to". Again, thanks for reading.
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