Kay - Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Dom_
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: KaY_
Your In-game Name: Kay Funds
Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:98351704

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?
Firstly, I'd like to state that I know less than a week ago, my last appeal was denied due to the fact that my behaviour was unacceptable after my ban was given and also that I had ban evaded only June Last year and therefore the staff team did not feel comfortable to unban me. Its just that I am honestly and sincerely sorry and I genuinely feel that I have changed. I have grown up massively, massive changes have occurred in my life and I honestly believe that I am now a better person in general I hope that you can believe me and give me another chance to play the server I love the most.

I have been apart of the Perp-Heads community since 2015 and honestly, I have loved every single second of it. It has to be my favourite Garry's Mod Server or in fact any server from any game in general. And to believe that I actually cheated on the server I love the most is every hard to hear. I have no idea why I actually went and done what I done. To then go on to try and ban evade which is just making things much, much worse. I am honestly, so sorry for my actions and trust me and feel free to quote me for the future, this will not happen again.

To address my own ban history. As some of you may already know, this permanent ban would be my second and overall my record is not very good receiving over 25 warnings and I think over 15 bans within my 6 years on the server is not very good and to also rule break on the server I love the most once again confuses me even more. Perp is a one of a kind server, having played multiple different 'serious rp' servers I can say that this has to be one of the best if not the best - Serious RP servers on Garry's Mod.

I miss engaging with all the players throughout the server in any RP scenario, I've had so much fun on the server and would love to have another go and play it. I am honestly sincerely sorry for everyone that I had ruined their gameplay with by using my hacks and also to all the administration team for wasting their time with me.

Over the year that I have been banned, I honestly feel I have became a different person. I know I keep saying that but honestly I believe I have. Situations have occurred within that year that brought out this side of me and basically shown me how I was and made me become more mature and overall not stupid. I was stupid to believe that cheating was actually fun for me and others and I have possibly even put people off from playing this amazing and one of a kind server.

But honestly, I believe that this appeal should be accepted due to the fact that I am honestly sincerely sorry and over this past year that I have deserved to be given, I have reflected on my appalling actions and have left being disgusted. I am honestly a different person now and would love to be given another chance to play this amazing server again.

To conclude this issue this appeal, I would like to apologise to the entire staff team, mainly TinySlayer and Dom as if I am not mistaken, dealt with me the longest, but overall sorry for the entire staff team and especially the community for ruining their time on the server, and no one should do that. I'm once again seriously sorry and hope that I can be given another chance at playing this amazing server.

Additional Comment(s)
No Additional comments, I would just like to say that I am sorry and honestly I completely regret my decision to cheat, seriously. I have taken this ban and reflected on myself to change the way I act and be perceived.

Honestly, I regret my decision to hack on this server, I regret following my friends with hacks. I just regret every single bit of what I did and wish I can honestly get a second chance. I'm sincerely sorry and I genuinely mean it. Along with my regret of hacking, I also sincerely regret my decision to attempt to ban evade in which I was so stupid to do. I'm sorry.

Kind Regards,
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