Kay Funds Ban Appeal

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This ban appeal has been uploaded on behalf of Kay Funds

Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Dom_
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: KaY_
Your In-game Name: Kay Funds
Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:98351704

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?
First, I'd want to say that I'm an asshole and I don't really believe I can have a chance to appeal to this, but I'm going to give it a try and maybe my error will be forgiven by this incredible group. I guess it's been a bit over a year now and I've grown tremendously. Throughout that year, I have made massive improvements to how I am and behave as a person and I firmly believe that I am another individual. Massive changes have occurred within my life to actually show me and essentially tell me to act my age. I am now 18 and believe that I'm a different person.

Since 2015, I have been in this culture and I have loved it every day. Perpheads is the only group that I find has the best role-playing experience that one Gmod server can offer you, and I have thought to myself what a f*cking fool I am actually thinking about it every day. I've been suspended for only 6 months now and because of theft, I know that's not even a fair period of time for a ban. I have been playing RP servers that are not as extreme as PERP over the last few months, and I have to admit that when the server runs in a less severe way, I do not find the RP as pleasant. I will generally have fun with all the seriousness of the server during my time while playing PERP, before the poor choices I chose to make, and I have to admit that I miss it quite a lot. As I said above, I've been playing perp since 2015 and I just want to continue playing on the server.

To address my own ban history, as most of you probably already know, I do not have a very good record. This permanent ban would be my second and honestly, I'm just asking for one more chance to play the server and enjoy it for another time. I was an idiot to think cheating on this server was a good idea, I got introduced to it by one of my friends and I decided to think it was right to install it, I ruined peoples roleplay experience by using this third-party software, causing frustration to people and making them have a bad impression to the server and once again I'm sincerely sorry for this once again and honestly if I can just have another chance, It would be much appreciated. I have also attempted to ban evade shortly after my ban which is honestly so stupid and I have no idea why I would even attempt to do such thing.

I miss engaging with all the players and acquaintances I have met and interacted with over the years, and I want to continue creating friendships on the server and role-playing with others. This is just part of why I want to be unbanned, but I don't need to go entirely into my wanting to be unbanned information, all there is to know is that it will mean an exceedingly significant amount to me.

I have changed as a person. I've been told by quite a few people that I was immature and idiotic in my acts, but I would personally say I've matured up now and been a different person after months of being banned and finally maturing. I was a lot more experienced in the past. Once again, I will tell you that I have changed from that person and I will not do something in the least to lead to stealing, or even just spoil the role-playing experience of people. I enjoy playing on the server, making new friends and just getting a wonderful time together, and I'm so sorry again.

To conclude this issue, I would like to say once again to everyone that with my dumb choices I affected Dom, Tinyslayer and all the administration team that put their time into me. I sincerely apologise to the core of my heart for all the sadness and pain I have caused you. If you guys wish to give me a final shot, please. Once again, I am deeply sorry for this, and I mean it sincerely.

Additional Comment(s)
No Additional comments, I would just like to say that I am sorry and honestly I completely regret my decision to cheat, seriously. I have taken this ban to the chin and it has told me to grow up already and stop acting stupid.

Honestly, I regret my decision to hack on this server, I regret following my friends with hacks. I just regret every single bit of what I did and wish I can honestly get a second chance. I'm sincerely sorry and I genuinely mean it. Along with my regret of hacking, i also sincerely regret my decision to attempt to ban evade and also.

Kind Regards,
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Due to the fact that you ban evaded in June of last year, mixed with the attitude that was received from you when you did play, we are currently not prepared to unban you.
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