La Cosa Nostra - Applications

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-Steam Name: DELTΔ // EFUKT.COM
-Age: 17
-Are YOU Active?: As active as can be.
-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:98922994
-Total playtime: Almost 2 weeks.
-Are you a VIP: Yes


Ingame name
Dunny Donowitz​

List of all cars you own

Fully upgraded Red Nissan 370z
Non-upgraded Red Hummer​

When are you mostly online?

Varies from week to week, but mostly ranging from morning to evening. Some days I might miss an afternoon or evening.​

In which organizations have you been:

MI5 Security Company
Merryweather Security
Paralake Private Militia
The Growing Power​

What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc

I'm a good driver, and am proud to say that I have only been caught by the police during a car chase maybe once or twice. I do not solely rely on speed to get away, but rather on thoughtful thinking and planning, it's essentially a mind-game.​

Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?

I've been dwelling around paralake with my brother for long enough now. Escaping cops and living life by myself gets a bit boring after a while. I decided to join The Cosa Nostra for the purpose of finding companionship and brothership, a place to feel at home at, a family to rely on and fall back to. Being in The Cosa Nostra would definitely enable me to use my skills to a further extent, rather than just keeping them to myself. I believe I would be a valuable asset to The Cosa Nostra, and The Cosa Nostra would be an equally important and valuable asset to my life.​
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: HeaTz

-Age (OOC): 13

-Are YOU Active?: Yes every day

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52418897

-Total playtime: 1.5 months

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Eddie Stallone

-List of all cars you own: Mini Cooper (Saving up for bugatti tho)

-Favorite Weapon(s): AK-47

-When are you mostly online?: from 3pm to 10pm

-In which organizations have you been:
Belinsky, Cacuzza, Paralake Partner Ship and a few more wich i forgot names of.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Crafting: lvl 93 firearms. Shooting: Id say around 7/10.
Building 4/10 as i never built defence in any of my orgs.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I have alot of friends in it and it seems like a really nice org, they helped me out today when i got raided without any doubt and saved my life. It seems like a organisation you really can trust and im always looking for more people to know.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: The Undertaker

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Yes, I am active on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and half of Sundays.

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51824118

-Total playtime: Nearly 2 weeks I believe however only displays 1 week in-game.

-Are you a VIP: Yes, I have been for the majority of my playtime also.

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Danny Donowitz

-List of all cars you own: Hummer H1 and a BMW 507. Both of which are in red.

-Favorite Weapon(s): Deagle and the AK47 however I am not fussed with any gun I am given and will use it to the best of my abilities.

-When are you mostly online?: I am online on the days stated above usually from around 5:00pm until around 10:00pm on the weekdays and Saturday I'm on for the majority of the day and Sunday's are mostly from 2:00pm until 5:00pm and then 8:30pm until 10:00pm.

-In which organizations have you been: I have been in no other organisations.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
I would say that my best skill is the ability to listen to orders and carry them out to the best of my ability. Therefore I can carry out any task and usually succeed in it. Whether that be building a base for the organisation, create some weapons for a raid or just a simple task such as locating an enemy and alerting the organisation to his or her location.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I would like to join Cosa Nostra firstly because I want to be more secure in my daily life in Paralake. I would also like to be a part of a well oiled organisation that is strong throughout the city and can make a powerful punch to any enemy organisations. I believe that the Cosa Nostra has the potential to knock out all the remaining organisations that you are not ally's with and that are punching well above their weight, and I would like to be a part of that. I have heard great things about this organisation from my brother, Dunny Donowitz, and I would like to reunite with him and the other members of Cosa Nostra to form a force not to be messed with. I appreciate your time to read this application and I hope to see you around Paralake.

Danny Donowitz
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: MatStar

-Age (OOC): 16

-Are YOU Active?: Yeah

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76086809

-Total playtime: 3 weeks

-Are you a VIP: Yeah

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Matt 'The Pole' Arjama

-List of all cars you own: All currently sold, saving up for the testarossa

-Favorite Weapon(s): M82, S-Baretta

-When are you mostly online?: Evenings

-In which organizations have you been:
Crafting +, Growing Power, British Mafia, and so on

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Common sense and being good at negotiations

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: Because I like to help out preforming the totally legitimate business if you know what I mean. I'm also not a sweater nor a fuck up and I use common sense unlike many others.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Tadge

-Age (OOC): 14

-Are YOU Active?: Just got unbanned, But yes.

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:57582090

-Total playtime: 3 Days

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Tadgee Rankin

-List of all cars you own: Just sold my mini to get money

-Favorite Weapon(s): AK-47

-When are you mostly online?: 4pm onwards on weekdays, 11am onwards weekends.

-In which organizations have you been: Trollstation, Church Of Tadgee

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I would like to join Cosa Nostra to make friends and have fun. I have heard about the org and it sounds really fun and also powerful which is a great mix. I want to mainly join to make friends.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name:

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Very I am on everyday

-Steam ID:

-Total playtime:
3 weeks

-Are you a VIP:

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name:
Harry Gilbert

-List of all cars you own:
Audi S5

-Favorite Weapon(s):
Ak47 , Remington , M82 and Sako

-When are you mostly online?:
I am on everyday, but weekends I am on all day. Weekdays on all night after school.

-In which organizations have you been:
Crafting +

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:
I would love to join The Cosa Nostra for a few reasons first of all its because I have been basing with you guys for two days well with xhantium and some others. I feel I am ready to join the org and I also feel I have helped a lot. Defending the base when the cops came and I saved Xhantium from a mug last night. Overall I feel I have made some friends here and feel I should help out even more and be in the org.

Thanks for reading

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  • (OOC Questions)

    -Steam Name: Jeremy Clarkson

    -Age (OOC): 14
    -Are YOU Active?: Yes, I am active when i get off school

    -Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55596695
    -Total playtime: week 1
    -Are you a VIP: Yes,

    (IC Questions)

    -Ingame name: Coleman Doe

    -List of all cars you own: Red GMC

    -Favorite Weapon(s): the AK47 andM4A1

    -When are you mostly online?: I am online from 2:00pm until 5:00pm

    -In which organizations have you been: I have been in no other organisations.

    -What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
    I would say my best skill is driving i can drive high speed and escape cops. and shooting

    -Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: Well i want to join because it seems like a good org and i have heard great things about it i have been in paralake for a while now and i dont have much friends and i am always doing shit alone so if i join i could maybe make more friends help out with defending driving and maybe some base building.
*Applications Update*

Applications will be closed (not the thread), if you still wish to join, send me a PM with your application.

I will close Applications for now because i feel like i have enough of Organization members, but the ones that have already applied, good luck.

Hope to see you ingame soon, take care!
Kind Regards,

Robin Ljungberg
Xhantium Harper informed me I can still make an application even though it says closed on the forums.

Steam Name: Simplex

-Age (OOC): 16

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85262218

-Total playtime: 4 days

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Fletcher Knight

-List of all cars you own: GMC Vandura

-Favourite Weapon(s): AK47 or Remington

-When are you mostly online?: Nearly every day

-In which organizations have you been:

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I am good at shooting and building if I have all the props.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I want to be in this organization because I would like to chill and base with new people, I want to show my loyalty to this organization. I also know that this organization is very big so I will be a lot safer while being in this organization and also I can return the favour of helping the organization out when in need.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: ItsAquaaHD #Robin4FuckingEnforcer

-Age (OOC): 14

-Are YOU Active?: Yes.

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54900967

-Total playtime: 1 month

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Dylan Larsen

-List of all cars you own: 918 spyder

-Favorite Weapon(s): AK-47,M4A1

-When are you mostly online?: All day everyday :D

-In which organizations have you been: Crafting+

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Crafting (Rapidly growing levels) Shooting ( One bangs for days), Not the best builder, but I can build good enough that it stops us from getting raided.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: @Walker has recently disbanded Crafting+. As our orgs were allied and were very close, I think it'd be a great oppurtinty to meet some more people. I already know a handful of your members but I feel that I can connect just a bit more!

Thanks for reading!​
  • Funny
Reactions: A1L
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Bert

-Age (OOC): 17

-Are YOU Active?: YEET

-Steam ID: Get it yourself <3

-Total playtime: 28 days I think

-Are you a VIP: Nah prolly could buy it if I wanted but honestly it makes no difference because I just mug sweaters in bazaar all day.

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: James Timmons

-List of all cars you own: Aquaa is my uber I don't need cars

-Favorite Weapon(s): Sawed Off Double Barrel, Colt M1911, AK 47, Walter PPK

-When are you mostly online?: All the time

-In which organizations have you been: All of them.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: none of the above. My main speciality is being a meat shield.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: cuz aquaa is gay and that gives us a common enemy once he joins. @Jay_ can preach I'm a good aim and Meat shield. Plus I'm American and we are OP as fuck please nerf
-Steam Name: Ermak

-Age (OOC): 12

-Are YOU Active?: YES

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50947970

-Total playtime: 1 Month and a few weeks

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Ermak Rasmussen

-List of all cars you own: 2x Upgraded lancer

-Favorite Weapon(s): Beretta, Remi

-When are you mostly online?: Evenings, i live in gmt+3

-In which organizations have you been: quite a few, i've been in one of your old orgs

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: RP, i guess lmao, i can build pretty well too.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: Because we used to be friends and now youre back so why not join
Steam Name: Nas

-Age (OOC): 14

-Are YOU Active?: Semi-Active

-Steam ID:STEAM_1:1:2385029

-Total playtime: 2 weeks

-Are you a VIP: Yeah

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Nas Malone

-List of all cars you own: Escalade

-Favorite Weapon(s): M1911 / Berreta

-When are you mostly online?: European hours

-In which organizations have you been: les reines, oldschool mafia

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Well when I'm mostly on im mostly shooting

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: looking for new people, and a ok org. seems like a bunch of nice lads
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Harley M

-Age (OOC): 16

-Are YOU Active?: I'm very active

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:183271065

-Total playtime: >1 month

-Are you a VIP: No, I don't really need VIP atm.

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Harley Mack

-List of all cars you own: Mclaren p1

-Favorite Weapon(s): I use a M4A1 most of the time

-When are you mostly online?: Schooldays 16:00-22:00 +/-

-In which organizations have you been: Family of Nig nogs

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Riflemarkman 100. I'm someone that will be helping the organisation at anytime. I'm always there if something happens. I like raiding, flanking and to kos the cops.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I have seen this org in the past but I was a sweater with a mini cooper at that time. I have improved alot. I'm looking for an organisation where I can meet experienced players. I have never betrayed someone, so you can trust me. You should give me a try in the organisation, u can always change your mind and kick me.

I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, if you find any mistakes tell me.
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: DeltaForce

-Age (OOC): 14

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:170514755

-Total playtime: 2 Days

-Are you a VIP: No - Buying 1 soon

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Richard James

-List of all cars you own: NA - Saving Up

-Favorite Weapon(s): M41A

-When are you mostly online?: Friday/Sunday

-In which organizations have you been: NA

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Shooting

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I want to join because I want to meet you all, also make a lot of money, last is to make the org stay strong forever!
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-Steam Name: Dom_

-Age (OOC): 16

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68712767

-Total playtime: 3 months 23 days

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Dom Gandhi

-List of all cars you own: Double upgraded Laferrari, Bugatti SS, Pagani Zonda, Tesla

-Favorite Weapon(s): M4

-When are you mostly online?: Most of the time.

-In which organizations have you been: Paralake Penguinship, Olsen Band3n, a bunch of other irrelevant orgs, My own org.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Shooting

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I need an org that isn't full of skids and cancer, need some reliable team mates that have a brain.
-Steam Name: Mooney

-Age (OOC): 17

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:84783184

-Total playtime: 2 months 6 days 21 hours

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Travis Rodriguez

-List of all cars you own: BMW M6

-Favorite Weapon(s): M4A1

-When are you mostly online?: Mostly every day, every time.

-In which organizations have you been: Olsen Band3n, Paralake Penguinship, The Belotti Syndicate in which I owned.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Shooting

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I need a good org whom in which want to roleplay seriously and isn't full of trolls.
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