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It turned to my attention that in gmod i keep getting lagspikes in shootouts all the time. I thought it had something to do with my ping (which is usually around 100) but i watched a few shooting montages and most of them have about 100 ping smoothly without any lag. I have a stable internet connection (100mbps) so I think its gmod causing it, pls help thanx
It's definitely not fps because low fps dont occur randomly and quickly and dont cause your game to freeze
And everything you've been describing is leading me directly to your fps, despite denying it.

To put it as simple as possible, when a map in gmod runs at about 40-60 fps in singleplayer, add a bunch of mods and that's perp. When all of these things happen around you, some of them can cause your fps to suddenly drop to 0 for just a split second or over multiple seconds. Which causes your game to freeze. You can't look around you, there's nothing you can do until the game responds again.

This especially happens when you enter an apartment front door, because thats where area portals are. Before you enter the apartment, nothing is rendered inside, despite having the front door open. Once you begin turning that corner, things begin rendering and when you pass the areaportal (which is located exactly where the door is) everything might freeze up.

Still sure it isn't your FPS?
And everything you've been describing is leading me directly to your fps, despite denying it.

To put it as simple as possible, when a map in gmod runs at about 40-60 fps in singleplayer, add a bunch of mods and that's perp. When all of these things happen around you, some of them can cause your fps to suddenly drop to 0 for just a split second or over multiple seconds. Which causes your game to freeze. You can't look around you, there's nothing you can do until the game responds again.

This especially happens when you enter an apartment front door, because thats where area portals are. Before you enter the apartment, nothing is rendered inside, despite having the front door open. Once you begin turning that corner, things begin rendering and when you pass the areaportal (which is located exactly where the door is) everything might freeze up.

Still sure it isn't your FPS?
I'm not sure it's not fps but I am fairly sure it's myping. if It is my fps, how can I stop that from happening?
You're going to have to elaborate further, what exactly happens when these lagspikes occurr? Does your game freeze up, and you're unable to move your camera? Or do you stop in place, but can still look around yourself?
You're going to have to elaborate further, what exactly happens when these lagspikes occurr? Does your game freeze up, and you're unable to move your camera? Or do you stop in place, but can still look around yourself?
game freezes up and i'm unable to do anything, while on others screen looks like im just standing there
Tilin's helpful guide on this (I don't know what I am doing):
First of all the issues you have described are the cause of FPS. The reasons behind this are unknown as of now to you. Now lag spikes on Garry's mod generally occur because of: Excessive addons (Try disabling addons you don't need), Demo stop/start recording, CPU or GPU related issues and there's much more to cover. To find out what the source of these lag spikes is try:
- Removing all your addons and reinstall perp content.
- Watch your CPU / GPU when you get this lag spike through task manager or get an app which records it for you
- After a lag check the console if it says something in white about a demo stopping to record.

Personally I had this issue and the addon thing worked.
You have a combination of both FPS drops and ping spikes.
What's your PC specs?
Ping can increase in case of FPS drops. So it's not internet related. Clearly it freezes for him.

Besides if his internet would lag (have timeouts) it would just make him stuck and tell him that it's attempting to reconnect, but he wouldn't have his game frozen.
Ping can increase in case of FPS drops. So it's not internet related. Clearly it freezes for him.

Besides if his internet would lag (have timeouts) it would just make him stuck and tell him that it's attempting to reconnect, but he wouldn't have his game frozen.
I've had thousands of fps drops, not many of them increased my ping. And I know the difference between FPS drops and ping spikes.
GTX970 i5 6600k 16GB RAM
Your processor and gpu is far from old, but may be underperforming due to either excess dust if you haven't cleaned your PC, or you haven't updated your graphics drivers. But before you start thinking of replacing them try updating drivers and installing any windows updates you may have missed.

Gmod is CPU intensive, I've been running on a 5 year old CPU AMD FX-6300, and have had very few problems myself besides low FPS.
My AMD R7 240 is way out of here, and was my real fps killer for myself. I've suffered the same thing as you Ermak and there's no real way to solve this problem due to Gmod being a natural resource eater.

Still, try updating first. Maybe even remove things from your PC you don't need if your storage is getting full. Make sure you close anything in the background that isn't directly necessary for gmod to run, then see if there's any difference.
try to put reduce the settings as even if you have 16gb ram or i5 6600k ... gmod isnt optimized that good like new games so yea ... reduce the settings options
had the same issue even bought a new pc with better specs, really just gmod.

when i know shits about to go down i just do gmod_mcore_test 2 and r_shadows 0 in console it solved the freezing for me, for a lot of people the flash from the guns causes it
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