
A small freeze whenever I run someone over for example and they happen to die
Yep, this is typical. To improve this make sure that all Video Settings display a * next to the option and that you do not have loads of processes missing. You may also have a worse in-game experience if you have lots of Google Chrome tabs open.

Ultimately this cannot be rectified.
So here's a couple of questions that should tell the problem of itself,

How much ram do you invent with?
Did you ever check task manager to look at the percentage of your components being used?
Do you have a SSD? If yes, do you have Garry's Mod installed on it? (Could solve the problem or decrease lag spikes etc.)

With this simple information I could try to find something that may solve your problem, cheers!
When you run someone over the game screenshots your screen to detect any cheats. However, that seems to be no longer functional and this has been a thing for quite a while. They would stay stored on for 24 hours until they would get deleted automatically, this kind of info was useful not just for cheating but also to quickly conclude if a person was driving on the wrong side of the road. If I recall correctly this has been a thing as early as V1 or V2 and got to know a bit more about the screenshot function as staff. I do not know if it's fixable client side (even with a screenshot blocker, naughty people) so you will have to live with it no matter the specs. Don't bother installing the game on SSD, screenshotting will always lag your game as it's a engine problem. Ever spammed left click with the camera?

Source: Myself and Bolli
in that video of creepis running the person over don't know if you noticed but he was having mini lag spikes and a slightly larger one when running over a guy, nothing that effects game play at all?
Im pretty sure its got something to do with LOD(s) rendering as it is a big map and theirs alot of props too.

part from that, when theirs no one on and theirs no props or vehicles spawned in, the server performance is really good and you get high fps.