Large Apartment Complex

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Topic: Add a large apartment complex

Short explanation (in notes):
- Add a large apartment complex somewhere in Paralake.
- Will stop the accommodation crisis when server has a high popluation.
- Current amount of properties is not enough to accommodate potentially 70 players.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

The current amount of houses/buildings is not enough to accommodate potentially 70 players. I myself have been stuck at the bank multiple times waiting to buy a property because all the other properties have been already bought.

So my idea is that somewhere on the map, a multiple story building is added, but instead of just having 1 apartment per story like we see in the current complexes, have multiple apartments per story. Maybe like 3-5 apartments per story, and 3-5 stories.

This could potentially stop the current accommodation crisis that myself and others find ourselves in when the server has a high population.

Optional additions:
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Hey bud, your idea looks great, just use the template (As shown below) That way it keeps it neat and tidy (Not to mention people won't shout at you)


Short explanation (in notes):

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Optional additions:
When Paralake v3 is released, places like regals and slums now 6 apartments, if i'm correct, also projex is now a warehouse and can easily hold several people
From a strictly administration point of view while noclipping around, I have not once seen a time where all residences have been sold. If you're complaining there's not enough unique buildings that might be true, but refusing to share the same building as someone for a reason of why not to buy a property isn't valid.
From a strictly administration point of view while noclipping around, I have not once seen a time where all residences have been sold. If you're complaining there's not enough unique buildings that might be true, but refusing to share the same building as someone for a reason of why not to buy a property isn't valid.
Stephen, I don't want to be living with my family in a buisness property just because all the residential homes are all sold out. ;)
So for a RP point of view, it would be nice for more liveable conditions to live in.
The residental properties, being suburban properties, apartments, hicktown trailers and wood cabins can house 90 players in total, if there's three in each of them. Not having counted the projex apts. as it is to be replaced by a warehouse in V3. I believe the amount of buildings now is okay and sustainable for the server's needs.
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I have seen all residential properties sold out before. I have had to wait at bank for over 20 minutes before constantly spamming the buy button because I couldn't buy anywhere.
As much as I'd like to spam buildings and stuff into the map, it's currently not possible. With the limitations of Source engine (dates back to 2004), the maps is pretty stuffed as is. If I try to add more to the map it will refuse to compile or crash while playing on it. If source 2 is released sooner than expected (or soon in general) and it's capable of what has been promised, we can have as many buildings as we want. Literally.
I haven't seen all of them sold but at the same time the people with 6 mil in the bank buy regals, slums, and the dockyard apartments and the people with less wealth (like myself) are forced to spend a lot of money on the suburbs and farm especially if your not in a organization. I'm not complaining but I see where simplex is getting the idea from
Well, thats not true, you can always find a property to buy.

You probably dont want to buy a property from Suburbs area and Forest area so you made this suggestion..
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