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Topic: Lawyers

Short explanation (in notes):
- Lawyer
- get job at city hall

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Lawyers should be added because they would add the feel of going to jail more real and I think that would be great because i would love playing as a lawyer.

Optional additions:
- You can RP as a laywer when you are a citizan
Do PassiveRP. You don't need the job to roleplay as it.

-Support. Waste of time.
Lawyers are hard to represent for the sole fact that this is not real life. It's much more complicated to obtain basic evidence (ex. fingerprints, gun powder, CCTV camera footage). You could say that there are some benefits ex. as you can use demos and whatnot, roleplaying them as dashcam or the sort, but even that is very limited (and really, sending demo to a lawyer or editing it would probably be a complete waste of time, spending 30 minutes in trials when the sentence is just a few minutes).

Without actual ability to obtain and present evidence, lawyer is an unnecessary job. It would be just cop's witness statement vs the suspect's statement. It would also then require a judge, otherwise nothing would stop an officer from simply rightfully (since cops can't falsely charge people anyway & if they charge someone, there's a valid reason, excluding some cases where it would probably be punishable as breach of server rules) ignoring all the defense by the lawyer.

Honestly, this has been suggested loads and it's the same answer each time; we don't need them.
Currently there is no place in the laws to actually allow lawyers to function within the city, and to be quite honest that is a good thing.

What happens if your friend is a lawyer, and you're being held within an interigation process and you're screaming for a lawyer.
Lawyers should not have the 'last say' for a Lieutenant nor even try talk the officer out of arresting somebody. The police officers discretion is all that is needed. They're obviously being arrested for a real reason, and if they don't then they are breaching not only laws but server rules.

Lawyers are essentially there to aid criminals, which is against the laws and thus against the rules.
A form of a job would not work, it simply would remove any need for a discretion of a police officer, I mean.. who gets the last say?
You can currently roleplay as a Lawyer, however it does really breach the aiding criminals law so it is a federal offence to try and be a lawyer.

It has been denied before, and will be denied again. I can't stress that enough, do not make threads attempting to add lawyers into the game as it would not work and never will.
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