Leaving messages behind

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Topic: Paper notes

Short explanation (in (paper)notes):
- Add the item paper notes.
- These can have messages written on them.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
From something as cliche as leaving a message saying "thank you" after a silent raid, to a message left with a corpse, as a killer message to the police. Why it should be added? It would add some RP. Instead of talking to people over the phone, you can leave them paper notes at a meeting place. Completely untraceable. Could also be used as info at shops. People could write down how much they have in stock, shop rules, prices, and they could be thrown around as advertisements.
Just an idea I got. It's not complete.

Optional additions:
- Craftable with paper roll and plastic?
+Support, would also look cool if two orgs are at war and have death threats etc posted on their front door with something like "We know where you live".
I do like this idea, I feel it would enhance roleplay quite a lot - The notes could be a prop which you click E on to change if you're the one who dropped it and press E to read if you're the one reading it. Notes could be moved using the physics gun to a place you want to put it.

Pretty good idea.
+support I would like to see this here, like a last message for the family if someone does suicide.
Yea, this would be cool if this become added. But it shouldn't be hard to craft. No special genes needed. Only crafting level maybe 2.
And to prevent people spamming and throwing them all over the place, maybe they only can have 3-5 notes "active" at the same time?

I like this idea. It would help shops! Raids would be more interesting! If you Murdered someone you can leave a message such he had to die. Them the police would read the message and scan it for fingerprints and DNA?
Quick question for this, how are notes removed then? By the person reading them, and does that simply make it disappear entirely or are they supposed to take the written note into their inventory?
Tried to comment, but the post was too long.
Maybe press E on it to read it and Alt + E to pick it up and get either a clean piece of paper, or the message will still be there, but can be removed so the player picking up the note can create his own... And removing and picking them up is a good point. Maybe only friends or police can pick them up, and they vanish when you disconnect? And if you are more than 100m away from the note that you made, everyone can pick it up, after reading it.
Maybe anyone of you got a better idea on this?
I like the idea with a piece of paper to leave behind but... I just see people putting them out everywhere I mean the whole PD or bazaar would just be spammed with these things which from a moderators perspective would be really annoying. You will have to work on some more detail before I change my mind about this -support.
+ support,I just see me killing a cop or a sweeter vest and leaving a not saying FUCK THE POLICE.Or saying silly sweeter vest guns are for people who have ammo GET REKT SCRUB my machete is better then you.
There obviously would be a limit of how many, however I still don't see how notes are collected/destroyed. Based on your other reply, I think you're saying people could erase other's notes, but then once there are enough notes out there it would be the same ones passed around with different text. So I'd prefer it keeps the message, but I'm unsure of how to dispose of them. Having a button that would remove it seems less than ideal, just like how burnt meth is disposed of, but I don't know how we could improve that process. I have some thoughts, but then we would simply need more junk so there aren't just a few things. Which would mean we'd need to change it so shops only buy certain wares, which differs place to place.

I digress, but I think the idea is good, it's simply execution I'm left a bit conflicted by. Also there would need rules governing these as there's fair potential for misuse.
I will be going to +support this, however it needs more thought behind it.

The paper notes will be traceable as there are no gloves in our server, this could however be added.
You also need to find a better was to expose of the notes, and also either a recipe or where to buy them.
What do the notes look like? Post-it notes, or a big, white paper note? Could there be both of these?
Do these drop upon death as a death note?
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