Legalising weed

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dw at all, what I mean is that by legalising weed, you give a legal market opportunity for huge corporations to make weed at very very cheap prices, there will be strict regulation on growing as with most public crops (for health reasons) and people will start to make as much weed for as cheap as possible and it will flood the market, either hiking up prices for smaller, better strains, brands or outright destroying their profitability and sales.
@ShadowJoey I agree, though Regulation in almost all cases is never to benefit the public health, large corporations favor regulation as that squeezes out possibilities of competition. When a large corporation engages in anti market behaviour like this, yes, they can produce as cheap as possible without any retributions. Without regulations or licensing, anyone can step up at compete with that large corporation. Hindering competition just opens up for more black market trading which gives us all the problems of 'our current situation' back.

Say you live in a small town in california. There's 1 barber shop there, but it's dogshit and extremely expensive. You want to setup your own shop BUT the California Board of Barbering requires you to have 1600 hours to be a full Cosmetologist. Those are school hours, so even if you've interned at your dads barber shop, you still need to follow a 1600 hour course. that costs shitloads of money hindering competition, leaving up high prices and bad quality.

I don't care if Weed Inc.TM starts making bad weed at 11 cents a gram, as long as anyone can compete without a permit license or regulation of any kind.

According to CATO and the Mises institute government licensing has never proven to improve quality or skill of any product of craftsmanship
OKAY Buckle up buckeroos time for two cents.

A family member has tried numerous pain killers, CBD, you name it shes tried it however we decided to give weed a try. Not smoking/vaping but edibles. Just 25mg of THC and the relief she had was insane. She normally needs strong sleep tablets and using this she didnt need any of that and for the first time in ages had a good nights sleep without pain.

I also think it should be leagalised for recreational use because think for a second the stuff that is worse than weed. Alcohol and tabaco. How many people die from that per year. However nobody has died from Weed. You also need to take into account why it is illgeal, big pharma and big timber is the reason. This is a completely natural product which could bring the goverment plenty of cash in tax.
Sorry but fuck your shit with not medicating people who have ADHD

ADHD/ADD/ASD is such a wide spectrum and as someome who is medicated there is a big diffrence from when im on my meds and when im not. The meds dont work for everyone and it pisses me off just because it didnt work for them they assume nobody should be given it;.
I said in page 1 why the alcohol/smoking argument is very bad and people should refrain from using it.
@Synatec they aren't comparable in this argument. One is legal and is used in every household and one is illegal and has a far worse reputation, though I agree alcohol is definitely worse in the way that its quite easy to drink too much and has worse long-term effects.
A family member has tried numerous pain killers, CBD, you name it shes tried it however we decided to give weed a try. Not smoking/vaping but edibles. Just 25mg of THC and the relief she had was insane.
This is not an argument for legal cannabis, this is an argument for legal medical cannabis

How can big pharma lobby the government against legalizing weed when the government benefits directly from legalizing weed? It's like giving you money to not take money.

and yeah the alcohol tobacco argument is a meme
I agree cannabis is better for you than tobacco, but a cigarette doesn’t intoxicate you, nor would it replace a nicotine addiction. I agree recreational use should be legal but it would be no substitute for tobacco.
Just wondering here, but why should a majority suffer by the minority?
I have terrible arthritis in my hips, as well as a condition that would take too much time and energy to describe. TLDR I’m getting a total hip replacement at age 18. But as this wont be happening for a few months, I find smoking to be a great solution. Strong medical carts put me on my ass, and I can’t even feel the pain that would normally prevent me from sleeping. While I understand arthritis isn’t on the same level of pain as say cancer, coming from someone who doesn’t only deal with arthritis but also fucked hips to the point where it’s painful to sleep due to the anatomy of em. Trust me that shit works great for MOST medical applications
If people want to smoke. They will smoke. End of discussion. If made legal, the government will have better control over what is being smoked, and will allow for a safer product to market. (I’m not saying weed will ever be completely safe)
In all reality, if it was made legal the government would drastically need to strengthen policies regarding controlled substances. As has happened in Maine. There is literally no point in getting weed from anywhere other than a distillery as they are able to sell it cheaper, and it's much safer. There really isn't a downside to legalizing it.
@Bert sorry but i dont exactly understand your point. Do you think controlling the substance by the goverment works/should happen or not