Legalising weed

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He prob ain't even getting high, he's just getting a niccy rush. If he cannot roll at all, just tell him to buy a rolling machine, they suck but do the job...
I started with one of those rollmates with a little filler tool, they are really helpful. You roll it yourself but you just pre roll a cone and then fill it using the filler. I still use it tbh, its so quick and easy and a nicely packed joint aswell if u do it properly
@Synatec You keep saying you need to experience weed to have an opinion, but you don't explain why? Why do you NEED experience to have an opinion on drug use?

I know many many many people that are in the same boat as me with weed, sample size isnt one.
How can you not understand how meaningless you and your friend's experience is compared to a much bigger population? Who cares how you and under 100 people (I don't think you've talked about this extensively with 100 people even) feel about drug use when there's around 220 million cannabis users worldwide? That's why personal experience doesn't prime over statistics, because you're making general conclusions from the knowledge of less than 1% of the cannabis users.
Experiences do prime? How do you know if something is bad if you havent tried it?
Because other people have throughout history and people who are not necessarily cannabis users themselves were able to study the effects of cannabis consumption?

How do you know ingesting a small cup of sulfuric acid is bad if you haven't tried it? Same thing, because humanity has been able to study its effects on organic matter such as skin. You don't NEED to experience something to know its negative or positive effects, why don't you eat poop? Do you ever have a stance on abortion?
@Crimson Nugget You need experience to be able to judge a drug because it is a drug, it has different effects on everyone and just because people tell you its bad it might not be for you. Not saying you should try all drugs that exist, but there are SO SO SO many people that have improved their life because of using a certrain drug once or consistently.

I used to think weed was extremely bad but I was in a bad state of mind which caused me to try it anyways, and guess what, it worked for me.

What I am trying to say is that life experience is the most important factor in giving opinions about anything, you CAN'T have a 100% backed up opinion if you didn't experience that thing yourself. I've never been rimmed before and I think it is disgusting, but what if I actually do like it but I just don't know it because I haven't experienced it? Get what I mean? Bit weird example but it works.

If you haven't done something, it is impossible for you to know wether you think it is good or bad because you have never experienced it. Hope this clears it up.
Dont even mention drugs like caffeine, thats not a drug people use to get high... Generally speaking. I meant one of the safest, this is just trying to find something to disagree with.

If you're gonna debate use your words carefully then, because you can't expect me to read "safest drug in the world" as "one of the safest drugs in the world". If that's what you meant, then type that?

All I'm doing is pointing out the flaws in your reasoning. And it doesn't matter if it gets you "high" or not, both caffeine and cannabis are still drugs.
@Crimson Nugget Again such a stupid comparison, people took sulfuric acid and fucking died my man, why in the fuck would anyone else try it if people die in a 100% succes rate.
I think the point that's trying to be made is that you're fucking up your liver regardless of your goal or how it's meant to be treated.
you're completely right, i don't understand why people are rating you dumb?