Legalising weed

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By smoking weed in which the majority of weed users do to take it you're putting a foreign substance through your lungs, which is not what your lungs are intended for. You're going to put yourself at risk of getting lung cancer, "One third of people think cannabis is harmless despite the fact that smoking it is 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco" which was reported by the Telegraph and this information is used on the NHS website. And Keiwam said it his post above all of the psychological effects that can come with it.
anything other than oxygen is harmful to ur lungs lol

weed doesn't come without any negative effects, but it certainly is not lethal itself.
The danger of taking to much alcohol is death just straight up respiratory depression and you die. The worst thing that happens when you smoke weed is a really really intense panic attack/psychosis. Now this sounds like an absolutely terrible thing(you don't want it to happen to you by any means) it's only temporary and after going through it's not as bad as you would think. Marijuana has shown signs of bringing out psychosis and schizophrenia in people who were already developing it in the first place. I'm not saying we should make it legal to smoke absolutely everywhere but Florida already has good laws regarding smoking marijuana. Our laws are really straight forward about consumption: don't do it in public doesn't matter if it's in view just can't expose people to the smoke.
Weed itself isn't a carcinogen, with stricter government regulation that comes with the legalization of weed the negative aspects such as quality control can be controlled and refined. Anything heated up and put in to your lungs isn't "good" for you I would never argue that. But with simple regulation you can drastically increase the quality of the substance being produced to the point where these issues aren't of concern. Psychological effects can be avoided from knowing your dosage. Don't go smoking 97% THC dab carts if you've never smoked before. Simply doing your research before smoking can save a lot of hassle. In the end a lot of it boils down to common sense.
Instead of smoking you can completely avoid the hazards to your lungs and take the CBD or THC oils, I don't know the difference between the two so that would be good if you could enlighten me
@DANIEL_ no point in taking thc oil, if you're not smoking it you may aswell just take cbd oil
@DANIEL_ CBD is extracted from a different part of the leaf. It isn’t as strong and often doesn’t produce a high, although it can help take the edge off of things almost like anxiety medicine (I’ve tried it so this is from a personal account). Typically THC is much stronger and potent and results in a high. CBD is also legal anywhere and everywhere. As long as it’s clearly branded as a CBD product with less than .5% THC. There is no age restriction on those products. Personally I don’t like smoking, as understandably it is hazardous to put things in to your lungs. But if proper regulation was taken, weed wouldn’t be nearly as dangerous as say ciggarettes or vapes. Edibles are much better in my opinion.
@Bert iirc Regulations are at 0.3% and there IS an age restriction as far as I know. Our company only sells to people 21 and over and I have seen every other company operate like that as well. CBD gives you all the good and mellow feelings without the actual trip.
Yes, for people over 21 weed should be legal and use of cocaine should be decriminalised, instead of jailing people, rehabilitate them, most of the deaths are due to the black market of drugs being unregulated, Mexican Cartels exist because drugs are expensive because they're illegal.
If someone wants to live their life shooting heroin until he dies, that is not my problem and it is immoral to put a gun to his head and jail him.
Offering him help and rehabilitation is a better use of taxpayer money.
Most people aren't going to go out and shoot heroin if it were legalised tomorrow, in the same way I wouldn't huff paint to get high because it's legal.
The effects of drugs aren't the biggest causes of crime due to drug use, it's the high prices of drugs which make people steal to get high.
I believe in the "gateway drug" theory that weed is associated and I can apply this theory to several cases of individuals who I know (and knew) had moved onto bigger things in the drug market.

One is knew because now he has extreme paranoia, BPD and schizophrenia due to high levels of drug usage since the age of 16, starting with weed of many calibres of strengths.

This old friend of mine I had known since the age of three was a bright man was a big future ahead of him in the field of IT with uni all lined up for him to essentially throw it all away by the age of seventeen due to him being arrested for possession of Class B I think.

Furthermore, he was also charged for driving under the influence of a restricted substance at the age of nineteen but found not guilty. He had taken some dodgy pill from the dark web on a night out and unknowingly smacked his head. Obvious to all this, he fell unconscious at the wheel and binned his car into a bush.

I stand by my statement that with the application of the "gateway drug theory", the theory is correct. For this reason alone, this is why I deplore the usage of this smelly unpleasant drug for recreational or substance abuse usage but would rather push towards a more controlled usuage in a medical field where the usuage actually has benefit towards people who are suffering, not those hoping to stink up the place and listen to reagge.

By the way, referring the drug as "non-addictive" (@Bert) is incorrect as addiction is usually formed by the body's release of dopamine (the good feeling chemical). Chocolate is also "chemically non-addictive" as is wanking and videogames, yet we see countless articles and studies on addiction associated to these acts.

How come we get those fucking retard spaces out dudes who insist everyone should smoke it and its safe when they're wearing shorts in the middle of winter, not washed for days and have shit hair...
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I'm sorry for what happened to your friend, but I think we all agreed on this thread that it shouldn't be used for people under 21.
As for that theory:
It's not exactly wrong to say that people with trauma and/or other types of mental and physical issues will start using just about any type of drug, whether they started on weed or not.

Either way, it's a minority of people who do get "addicted" to weed, but then again people become addicted to just about anything. There's people who are addicted to hamburgers, that's not to say that hamburgers have an addictive substance in it.
I'm all for it and all, but please stop using the "alcohol is worse, but it's legal" argument. The USA already tried prohibiting alcohol (the Prohibition) and it made things wayyyyyyy worse. We know that alcohol is worse, but it's such a big thing now worldwide that making it illegal is too late, and it would cause chaos.