Legalising weed

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I don't like it

I think the majority of people that use it, don't use it in moderation. You can get addicted to weed. Just because the weed itself doesn't have addictive substances like nicotine doesn't mean it can't be addictive.

Smoking anything is bad for you as previously mentioned.

The use of it on developing brains is so clear. The vast majority of <18 I knew who smoked it are actual retards now.

I'd use it for medicinal benefits such as for seizures or whatever but that's it.
If you need your weed to relax, then buddy you've got an addiction.
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Thing is. One pint of beer won't do much to the majority of people. However, one joint would. Their argument is retarded lol
As much as I hate drugs and being forced to passively smoke them in some of our clients homes during our work I could see it being legalized with restrictions. Around age 25~ is when body development comes to a halt where over 21 is a good age for it to become consumable and not cause any drastic changes or damages. Only problem I see is parents smoking them and doing even more harm to their children than your normal cigarette and/or alcohol.

Like any drug this can be severely abused and over-consumed, for fun or because of depression replacing actual help or therapy which I don't feel is correct.

It's a very controversial topic and I won't have a lot of input for this one. They have their ups and downs but please seek alternatives and don't downplay a lot of the side effects which seems to be the current problem of our youth which is evident by the current pandemic. It's not just a flu.
Legalizing =/= decriminalized, I agree with you, I feel like a lot of drugs should become decriminalized, a lot of people are just simply addicted and need help that is impossible to get without jail time. Imagine how much it sucks being addicted to heroine knowing you can't get help without spending time in jail, but at the same time you shouldn't be able to do this shit in the streets/sell it etc
Ye, I don't think cocaine should be hard legalised as in being allowed to be sold in corner shops, but it should be decriminalised as in Portugal, they seem to have had great results from it.
Weed should be legal and be allowed to sold in licensed stores to people above 21 and taxed, it could fund the recovery for people who are addicted to harder level drugs and want to quit.
@NeluDaHunter I agree, personally I've smoked weed and I don't really understand how people get addictive, then I guess I have a certain personality type where I don't get addicted to stuff
Big ol' fuck no.

I've seen too many aspiring, happy and motivated kids turn into the most unenthusiastic, disinterested and generally lazy people because they started smoking weed on a regular basis. They all started smoking at parties, but fast forward 3 months, and they never actually go to parties anymore because they'd rather smoke their lives away on the couch. I can't even tell you how many friends I no longer see because they went down this road. They all had potential before they started, and now they can hardly pay their rent. My own brother even went down this road and it costed him 3 years of wasted time before he got his shit together and quit the stuff.

Fuck off with the alcohol vs weed argument. I know this argument damn well, because it was the exact same shit I used to say when I wanted to defend my own habit of smoking weed. It's a shitty argument, because alcohol doesn't affect your brain and processing power for up to a week after you've smoked.

Legalize it for strictly medicinal uses, but don't let more kids life go up in smoke.
I'll drop some knowledge from my psychopathology class:

Cannabis is the most used illegal drug in the world.

There is indeed a correlation between use of cannabis and use of other drugs, but this could be tied to multiple things and not only what is known ease of access ("gateway effect") to other drugs since you already know a weed dealer, there can also be common genetic influence (genes that predispose you to do drugs in the first place anyway) or environmental influence (if people around you consume drugs for example)

Cannabis is often represented as a harmless drug, but it's not as harmless. In big quantities, it can cause psychotic symptoms, you can be cannabis-intoxicated and suffer hypervigilance or paranoia, panic attacks, anxiety, auditive and visual hallucinations, depersonalization and derealisation. At the extreme, it can lead to schizophrenia.

If you get addicted to cannabis, these are the pleasant withdrawal symptoms which can last anywhere from 12 days to 4 months: craving, anxiety, agitation, irritability, insomnia, appetite change, and less frequently shaking, sweating, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and depression.

I know "everything in big quantities = bad", but spreading around information downplaying its harm may cause users to be careless and thus disregard their limits and intoxicate themselves.

Also, some people carry genes that make you vulnerable to cannabis-induced schizophrenia as there's an enzyme that reacts to cannabis. Nobody knows if you're carrying those genes.

tl;dr: cannabis bad but I would still legalize it with restrictions and for 21+ people because anyone who wants weed will get it anyway and that way we get some legal money into the economy.
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i've been smoking for almost 5 years now, nowadays i smoke daily like i can't imagine going to sleep without being high, sadly i don't feel "high" anymore i mean i do but it's not how it used to be for me a few years ago and i do approve weed is addictive if i don't smoke throughout the day i really would be so unfocused, feel dizzy, very frustrated and most of the time numb

i think weed should be legalized because you don't know what people will sell you on the street and how dangerous it can be, at the same time i think it should remain for medical use, but as you can see nowadays everyone can get weed so easily so they should legalize it as it doesn't matter

my advice is that if you don't smoke weed, don't try it i've been lying to myself the whole time when i started smoking "oh i'll just smoke once a month, once a week, once a day" until i couldn't quit and started mixing that shit with pills which is another whole story i wouldn't like to share